How many units and or dollars did you spend on your initial lol/aol clear?

I am just thinking about the possible crater in my wallet from revives. If I have to buy or spend copious amounts of time on units just to beat one quest.....nah I'm good. (Lol) and (aol) will sit there unexplored because it's to expensive.
AOL with Doom, Aegon and Void and heimdall/proxima for synergies. 4.5k units, but I wasnt fighting my best due to doing other things.
I plan on doing an abyss run after 4th of July, and expect to use around 2 Odins.(Only one of which I will be purchasing, I have 3000 or so units right now.)
2nd run was 400 units
Aegon, Doom, Void, Nick F, Quake
Non suicides mastery build.
20 lvl 1 revives, 20 lvl 2 revives, ~ 2.500 units.
And I did a lot of mistakes so you can do it a lot cheaper if you play better than me.
Used Sparky and 900 units. Not much saved resources since it was spur of the moment to get 1 more shot at duping blade
I’ve done it in two accounts, one colossus one aegon both about the same unit cost. At r5 they can both one shot pretty much every fight I think so could defo do it in less. Certainly where I spent revives was because of tiredness, momentary stupidity (trying to dex WM) and then unfamiliarity with maestro dex timing.
I’m a decent player, working my way through 6.3 now, but not top level by any means.
I saved my runs with r5 colossus fwiw, I would top up to full health or near between fights but majority of solos would not be dropping much below 80% health. You’re barely parrying due to limber so health lost is in baiting heavy and maybe not being able to dex specials fully. I would hit ROL a good few times before going into LOL to top up the potion stash but I’m predominantly FTP, just do the unit card and occasionally sigil if the featured is good. Don’t do arena so have to watch the units, realistically I’m looking at one run a month now to complete it.
KT1 easy path...
Rulk solo blade
OML solo colossus
Elek solo colossus
Cm solo colossus
Apadtoid solo
UC solo colossus
Colossus died once revive
Falcon solo colossus
Gamora solo colossus
Magik blade 1 revive
WM colossus 2revives
Ant blade solo
deadpool colossus solo
DD colossus solo
Venom colossus solo
If colossus 1 revive
IP colossus solo
Maestro colossus 7 revives
Path 6 via ultron w/colossus
Starlord solo
Agent v solo
Adaptoid solo
DD solo
Venompool 1 revive
Cyclops 5 revives
Ultron 3 revives
Venom solo
If solo
IP solo
Maestro 4 revives
AoL cost me 4100 units (that includes the price of changing masteries twice during the run). My team was Aegon, Fury, Doom, Void, Quake. If you have HT instead of Void it will save you some units and for the easy path i think Sym Supreme would be better than Doom as you can cheese VTD fight with SS.