The Impossible Hood of month mission

The Hood, boss o 3rd chapter of actual month mission, was made in a difficult very higher than the regular master level of the game. The too high regenerate rate, added to degenerate enhance, make him impossible... I think only the high levels legends players will pass, Kabam exaggerated... Someone have a good tip to kill him?
I tried three times with 5 full life heroes that can stun, but I was killed... F*!!
I tried three times with 5 full life heroes that can stun, but I was killed... F*!!
I'm not in your level yet... And don't have a strong Guillotine, Grounded...
Thanks for the help! I gonna keep on trying to find a way to kill him with my set of heroes.
like you said to that guy your not at that level. there is heroic, normal, and beginner each for different levels.
i use 4*s only to complete master each time, no need 5*s. hawkeye surprisingly does well. the vision is also good. then theres SW....
many characters can try.
Once you find master 'easy' there'll probably be a 'expert' mode etc...
keep trying mate, GL
you can try a bleed team, or a high crit team. Luckily I have elektra for when his health gets low, and it's 3 or 4 hits and hes out. good luck. I'm struggling now with Dormammu in the same level. I take him down, but he takes most of what I have.
Spam him with Hawkeye's special one works pretty good as well.
There is an rng component to him because sometimes he 'behaves' and readily uses sp1, some fights he refuses to and you have no choice but to push to sp2.
When he is getting close to sp2 slow down the fight a little and parry>heavy (the heavy deals massive damage)