please change the Aq starting time from 12pm pst to 10 am pst because aq start in india at 12:30 am ist .its too night and almost every member go bed before burning their energy. Everyone just want to used energy then go to bed . Please change aq timing !
but unfortunately it has to be. someone has to get the bad time.
you get bad start time but in the end everyone is available for around 16 out of 24 hours whether it be sleep at start, sleep in middle or sleep at end. absolutely impossible.
this just straight up cannot work for a game that has alliances with people from many different time zones.
my alliance is AU, EU, Asia, US, UK, everything.
you can change the time but that just means what it is for you will be what it becomes for someone else. it doesn't fix anything it just moves it to elsewhere.
but as said, there is 24 hours in a day, AQ is up for 24 hours. so regardless of where you are, when it starts when it finishes you will always be asleep at somepoint and awake at some point.
On my timezone it starts at 3am. No big deal. Still get it done before we go to sleep.
Pre-Enroll for Auto-Start of each day AQ, with pre-selected options (maps, modifiers, and including start time if 2nd idea is added below). Similar to AW.
AQ Series that has an expanded window of 5 days + 8 hours (once started, each AQ still only 24 hours), so that can choose to start AQ at a time most of alliance is awake. But not lose out on a shortened day-5 (whether from delayed starts, or the existing lost time now between days or waiting for officer to be online to start next AQ each day).
**at least AQ will be going to reduced energy timers and higher starting energy soon.
Again it's not fun when you sleep at 2am and wake up at 7am because you are a working professional. Personally i work 12-14 hours in Software development and i feel so happy when aq is not running.