R3 6*Omega or Sunspot

Hey all, I’ve just managed to finish the abyss, and was rewarded with a T5 mutant class catalyst.
My options are to R3 awakened Omega (I only have 8 sigs to put into him and do already have a sig 200 5*) or take up unawakened Sunspot to R3.
Please also bear in mind that I regularly run the suicide masteries.

R3 6*Omega or Sunspot 13 votes

Omega Red awakened (but already have as a sig 200 5*)
Spity68Jim0172Stagedear85SGT_M9Artoria77Z2f6hQ 6 votes
Sunspot unawakened
SouthfenceHeattblasttGhostboytjieEtjamaLucifer1810CollinPMad_Titan99 7 votes


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