Game shutting down whenever i open it [Merged threads]



  • Weapon_ON77Weapon_ON77 Member Posts: 6
    I don’t know if this is happening to others, but my game won’t open. I tap on the app, it opens with the Marvel logo, and 3 seconds later I’m back on the main screen. I’ve tried closing all other windows, refreshing for any updates, and even turning off my phone, but nothing works.
  • PlantesanPlantesan Member Posts: 335 ★★ much for a decent war run this time around...🤦‍♂️
  • Weapon_ON77Weapon_ON77 Member Posts: 6
    I’m having the same problem! It sucks that it’s happening to you, but a part of me is glad that I’m not the only one.
  • PepeqlPepeql Member Posts: 24
    What about the first war of AW season, are you guys going to do something about it? @Kabam Porthos
  • GiulioV99GiulioV99 Member Posts: 98
    "i don't know if this is happening to others"
    Literally all the posts on the forum right now are about this lol
    look before opening another thread plz
  • NickG2082NickG2082 Member Posts: 7
    Same issue here on iPhone XS ver 13.5.1. I’ve tried to uninstall MCOC, restart the iPhone and reinstall and it didn’t help.
  • PadawanJPadawanJ Member Posts: 6
    Thanks to the people posting theverge links. I can confirm that the Lockdown app fixes MCOC logins.
  • BsuGuyBsuGuy Member Posts: 138
    Plantesan said: much for a decent war run this time around...🤦‍♂️

    Luckily my alliance’s first war was a slaughter. The other group wasn’t prepared
  • Weapon_ON77Weapon_ON77 Member Posts: 6
    Please don’t be rude by pointing out another person’s mistake. Please also learn to spell, and use proper sentence structure like capitals and punctuation.
  • RobPfiz44RobPfiz44 Member Posts: 2
    @Djin Your fix worked!!
  • Papa_SmurPapa_Smur Member Posts: 19
    Anyone else having this issue. iPhone 8
    everything was fine 6 hours ago
  • Ernest4_44Ernest4_44 Member Posts: 6
    In the middle of a war here and my game won’t load. Looks like all my alliance members with Apple are having same issue. Please help
  • CUBCUB Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2020
    Both my brother and I can't open MCOC on our ipads, the first screen comes up then it closes. Updated to new iOS, closed app, reinstalled app. Nothing is working. Help! @Kabam Miike I have recorded the problem on my iPad with screen recorder app.

    Anyone else seen this?
  • StardusrStardusr Member Posts: 11
    Guys sorted
    Log out from game centre then log back in
  • CUBCUB Member Posts: 146
    LOL, as soon as I posted this my brother got it working so please ignore.
  • Weapon_ON77Weapon_ON77 Member Posts: 6
    I’ve been trying to figure it out too. Hopefully they will resolve the issue soon. See you on the battlefield when they do! 👍
  • Papa_SmurPapa_Smur Member Posts: 19
    Having issue also
  • OminousoneOminousone Member Posts: 1
    Same, game logo appears then flash, back to logon screen. I use iPad Pro OS 13.5.1 to play. Checked iPhone and it did the same thing. Tried reinstalling and still did same thing. I play everyday game version 27.2.0. I like the game but this is getting frustrating to the point I am not sure it is worth it.
  • Weapon_ON77Weapon_ON77 Member Posts: 6
    I’m having the same problem, and judging from all the increasing posts we’re not the only ones.
  • marmadunesazbotmarmadunesazbot Member Posts: 1
    It works guys log in
  • Canrdboy36Canrdboy36 Member Posts: 76
    Try this, my alliance mates got it to work
  • SirmacoolSirmacool Member Posts: 413 ★★
    Facebook sdk issue fixed. Game back up
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,110 ★★★★★
    nero8913 said:

    I’m having the same problem! It sucks that it’s happening to you, but a part of me is glad that I’m not the only one.

    Yeah it does. However i hope kabam will send some compensations. Cause we doing AW and now we can’t play.
    It's happening to multiple apps on. iOS so it's an Apple issue, not a Kabam issue
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Mcord117 said:

    Facebook is so terrible that I haven’t had it installed on my phone in over 4 years and it still screws things up

    I've never downloaded facebook lol. Not stopping it from ruining my game though
  • Space_gooSpace_goo Member Posts: 127
    I'm in the game in iOS
  • Space_gooSpace_goo Member Posts: 127
    was grinding fine in Android
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    Tamerlane said:

    i am not buying this facebook ****, they are lying coz they know everyone has a fb, its easy to put a blame on someone else....I DON NOT HAVE A FB ACCOUNT NEITHER ANY FACEBOOK APP...( facebook, whatsapp, tinder etc ).
    explain that please

    its got nothing to do with if you do or don't have anything.

    do you understand what a SDK is? its a Software Development kit.
    its something the devs use to build on and it is in the games programming.
    the Facebook SDK and iOS is the issue here. so any apps that use the facebook SDK in their coding are prone to issues.

    what you personally do or don't do, or do or don't have installed on your phone is irrelevant to what is used in the games coding and how the game is coded.
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