Fix Aw 19..

My 7.8m Alliance at 4800K prestige Vs a 32m at 9.8k Prestige for Aw 19 season Kickoff??
Seriously Kabam.. let me Guess it’s fair Cuz they are 858 rating and we are 828 rating.. And It’s a guaranteed loss before we even tried.. What a joke. Let’s not Forget yet Again the horribly foul Aw 19 season Rewards Are.. What a waste. I’m guessing it’s being fixed and Lame Compensation will happen
Seriously Kabam.. let me Guess it’s fair Cuz they are 858 rating and we are 828 rating.. And It’s a guaranteed loss before we even tried.. What a joke. Let’s not Forget yet Again the horribly foul Aw 19 season Rewards Are.. What a waste. I’m guessing it’s being fixed and Lame Compensation will happen
From now on all wars will be matched with war rating and not prestige although the exact formula / algorithm isn’t shared. It’s the reason war rating was cut in half to have this stabilized as fast as possible.
Everybody’s WR got halved, matchmaking is purely based off WR rather than prestige. Ultimately this will result in everybody settling into the tiers that they deserve to be in rather than small alliances getting inflated rewards. You’re going to have some easy wars, some awful wars and ultimately some fair wars.
If your war rating was inflated then you’re going to be receiving the sticky end for longer as you drop the ranks until you land in wars that you can properly compete in.
Now I’m going to copy this so I can just paste it every time someone pipes up.
You yourself know it’s fair that you’re way above your rating prior seasons. 1716 war rating, 7m alliance? Who are you kidding? Geez
Truth is, you were getting more than you deserved. Suck it up, buttercup.