Act 6 slight rewards buff

Instead of a 25% t5cc selector it should be at least a 50% so that it gives a little chance to complete a t5cc with the 25% t5cc crystals you get from exploration of chapters 1-4. The odds of getting 3 out of the 4 of the same class are outrageous. A 50% selector would at least a chance to complete a t5cc. Also, think exploration of Act 6 should include an additional two 25% t5cc crystals or even another 50% selector. I realize rewards were already buffed and I thank you guys for that as well as the nerf coming but still think rewards need a little boost. It’s a lot of work even with an incoming nerf and if you’re even completing Act 6 you’re already going to be starting to focus on your 6* roster which I understand you guys focused on with buff rewards but could still use a little bump in my opinion. Thanks
I get what you’re saying about rewards being equal to Act 6 especially with the nerf coming though. I think players having a little more influence on things such as class of their catalysts would be a nice. By no means are the rewards outrageously low or anything but an extra 25% of a t5cc with the choice of class being allowed by the player would be better IMO. I believe Kabam is pushing to make things even more random but some choices here and there should still be given I think. That one change is biggest on this wish list and would like to see in place. The extra 50% from exploration might be too much though I’ll give you that but still not horribly OP and a total of three t5cc worth for full exploration isn’t that much of a stretch as I see it considering the amount of time you have to invest to 100% and the amount of sources players have to actually get t5cc fragments in game. An extra 75% of a t5cc wouldn’t be game breaking at the full exploration level I don’t think.
All said though, I love what their plan is for Act 6 and that they have already adjust rewards to make them comparable to the content. So much credit to them for that.
As for war rewards, the way they are now I don’t feel has much benefit towards FTP or lower to mid range spenders and won’t until gold alliances can get a nice little chunk. Not a lot of them in plat 2 and up which is really when you start getting a decent amount, probably even plat 1 up. If Cavalier difficult does have around 30% then the would kind of render the Act 6 bump I mention a bit of a moot point even though it’s static content versus EQ. It’d still work out well overall especially if the Cavalier EQ is scaled with the nerfed Act 6 content and not current. Just have to wait and see. 🤞🏼
Yea, I don’t think a 5* generic awakening gem would have been over the top for exploration rewards but I do like that they focused more on 6*s than 5*.
Thanks for the feedback, curious what others have to say and think as well so good to hear well thought out responses.