Best champs against the 50K Sasquatch in Canadian difficulty?

The ones I know off hand are Luke Cage, Human Torch, Blade (w/ Mephisto synergy), AA, Spidergwen... any other good options out there?
And I'm serious
AA does too, torch the mystic Slayer, shehulk and spidergwen, etc...
If you EXIT, and re-enter, I would assume that it would be Random (like normal) if you went on a DIFFERENT PATH.
But if you take SAME PATH again after Exiting, I think maybe Sasquatch would still come up as an Ambush in same location (because you never “completed” the previous quest since Exiting before, and normally Random Drop stuff remains in the same spots until you actually “Complete” a quest run, in which they reset only after Completion).
Doctor Doom did really well too