Why does Prestige matter?

Hi everybody. Serious question.
I always thought prestige was a way to rate champs, but it always seems that new champs are better..
A lot of people want to know the prestige of new champs but what for? My assumption was always, "if I rank them, they will be my top champ..."
What function does prestige serve? My guess is war..?
Sorry I am super uneducated in this department and would like to understand better.
I always thought prestige was a way to rate champs, but it always seems that new champs are better..
A lot of people want to know the prestige of new champs but what for? My assumption was always, "if I rank them, they will be my top champ..."
What function does prestige serve? My guess is war..?
Sorry I am super uneducated in this department and would like to understand better.
It’s really only relevant if you’re in an alliance that does full map6 or 7 with modifiers.
The higher your alliance prestige the more points you gain by clearing alliance quest everyday.
The higher you clear everyday the more of a boost from day to day.
By the end the more prestige the more points you end with alliance quest day 5 and higher you can Place in the ranking
Prestige is important for AQ, but it doesn’t dictate how good anyone is.
They can’t be trying to compete for the very high AQ series rank spots with that low of Prestige (compared to Ally's that are 9k+).
Maybe they’re just using Prestige as an alternative to overall Rating (or how many of certain Rank champs you have).
But if they are using it to dictate basically WHO you have to have as your highest Prestige champs, that really is only valid for the top level Ally’s who have to “OUT-PRESTIGE” each other in order to get highest points while doing map 777x5.
Prestige requirements for alliances that don’t run all map6 at least are useless, and even then anything under 10k won’t make a significant difference in the rewards.
If you can clear your paths in AQ and war they shouldn’t have anything to complain about.
BHR doesn't really matter at all, so I guess you could say prestige is a substitute.
PS. we run 55444 44443 44433
Point being, I’d much rather have people have their highest ranked champs be champs that are better, not caring whether a champ has a higher Prestige number versus another one if comparing between the two.
As to very opening question, top contenders want to know base Prestige of new champs so that they know whether they should really push and go after getting them and ranking them to max, so that they can squeeze out an ever so slightly higher Prestige # for their Ally, to slightly squeak past other top Ally’s for slightly more AQ points at the very top.