Which Ægon for LoL?

Everyone has been saying "Take Ægon to LoL", which is probably the best option, but which Ægon, namely 4* or 5*? Is the 5* on a conditio sine qua non, or is it doable with reasonable expenses with the 4*? Just for clarity, we are talking about one path clear.
PS. why latin? I totally know latin and didn't have to look it up
LoL has the enrage mechanic, so you want a champ that has a base attack of at least 2000 to extend the timer. 5* r4 aegon gets you that. The rewards are outdated so no point in rushing before r4 IMO
Red hulk will be upwards of ~500 hits ~10min.
Old Man Logan will be ~400 hits ~8min.
Maybe it'll be closer to 5 fights. Play slow, use sp1.