Best Team for Labyrinth of legends Easy Path 1st Run ??? Team build around Aegon

Hi Guys, I want to know which team from below will be most effective with the least resources, time & units needed for the 1st Run of LoL easy path. Please provide any other team suggestions you have.
Best Team for Labyrinth of legends Easy Path 1st Run ??? Team build around Aegon 19 votes
Aegon 5* R5 Sig 200, Guillotine 2099 5* R5 Sig 50, Domino 5* R5, Heimdall 5*R3 & Angela 5*R3
Aegon 5* R5 Sig 200, Ghost 6* R2, Domino 5* R5, Heimdall 5* R3 & Angela 5* R3
Aegon 5* R5 Sig 200, Guillotine 2099 5* R5 Sig 50, Proxima 5* R3, Heimdall 5*R3 & Angela 5* R3
Aegon 5* R5 Sig 200, Nick Fury 4* R4, Quake 4* R4, Heimdall 5*R3 & Angela 5* R3 - Synergy team Aegon soloing all fights
Team above for if you want to do heavy cheese
If you don't want to do heavy cheese than swap out Heimdall for quake or something like that.
Aegon - Every Fight
Nick - Evade Charges
Quake - Evade Charges
Proxima - Combo Shield
Heimdall - Cheat Death
It's not the fastest, but it's the safest imho