Should Kabam Add 6* Crystals/Shards for Incursions?

CrainOnTheBrainCrainOnTheBrain Member Posts: 86
Just opening this up for discussion: should Kabam add 6* shards or crystals for doing incursions? Would that be too unbalanced, or could a happy medium be reached? You can buy basic 5*’s for 22k or special 5* crystals for 27k. What about 1000 shards for 100k or something like that? Maybe even specialty 6* crystals for a super high price? 6* shards for doing high room sector 7?

I don’t know, lemme know your thoughts on this! Maybe it’ll become a bigger topic of discussion in the community.


  • CrainOnTheBrainCrainOnTheBrain Member Posts: 86
    I’m going to add my own opinion on this to clarify my stance before anyone jumps in-

    I think they should add 6* shards as milestone rewards for high level rooms/sectors. Having the incursion metrics end at 16 5*’s seems a little low, considering some people have more than 16 6*’s. This would be more rewarding for end game players and give people in between the 5 and 6 star realm a foothold to get a few more 6*’s. Just extend the metrics to include 6*’s or up the bar for 5*’s to 32 before people see some small influx of 6* shards
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    They already said in that they would be adding 6* shards to the Incursion store in the Dev Diary announcements. I assume that will happen in the next round of incursion crystal updates (in about 46 days)...? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • CrainOnTheBrainCrainOnTheBrain Member Posts: 86

    They already said in that they would be adding 6* shards to the Incursion store in the Dev Diary announcements. I assume that will happen in the next round of incursion crystal updates (in about 46 days)...? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Lmao, I totally missed that. I only watched the Seatin vids on the dev diaries, so either he skipped that part or I skipped that part of the vid 😂
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