Kill squads

Can we seriously get rid of the dang kill squads???????? I get them more than on a regular and it’s very very frustrating seeing and hearing others not get them with a team PI of roughly 13k. I’ve been keeping my PI team around 15,500 and higher with no issues for about a couple of weeks. Until now!! This is ****. Get rid of the kill squads so I can actually enjoy the game and do the arenas!!!

5* Feature Arena, NO synergies, NO suicide mastery.
So ppl with suicides versus no suicides will notice the cutoff is different from the other person's.
FYI for others, different ppl just have to determine the appropriate team minimum, based on their Masteries, and not rely on guides others have laid out for Minimum Team Rating.
And since not every champ scales up the same amount due to Masteries, you might run into cases where using 3 champs that otherwise normally just meets your minimum, but happen to be 3 champs whose PI is increased MORE than others due to mastery, you might run into a problem
(also, do those 3 champs you showed have synergy, which would have also artificially inflated the team rating in that case too) ? Those 3 champs don’t seem to have much in common, but I'm not familiar with their synergies off-hand.