Let's speak of the new war season rewards & matchmaking.

From this above, to that in gold 1:

Does everyone find it fair? Will we be dropping more leagues in the near future or everything 'should' be fixed soon? Sure, same t2a and slightly more t5cc but where exactly is the hype with those shards lol...
Be honest everyone 😎
I would say that if your guys think y’ll belong in Tier 3 Plat 3, a lot of your guys are delusional.
Realistically, a 21m alliance will belong at roughly Gold 2/3 if you maintain a rough 50% win rate at the correct tier.
My 34m 10k prestige sister alliance has been Plat 4 for many seasons unable to move up and we will likely pull off a decisive win against your alliance. How is it fair that your alliance is taking in better rewards than mine?
For every alliance elevated by the system that protected them from open competition, another/others had to be disadvantaged,
So is that a way to solve this problem? Hell nah, people are still not motivated enough to do wars, only you guys with high prestige are.
Sure, Kabam you did a great job with this matchmaking update but the rewards are a joke, for low leagues still.
If they want to join the big leagues, they’ll need to go clear content and advance their rosters until it’s comparable to some of those in the big leagues. They’ll also need to hone their skills because the big leagues are a totally different ball game.
Also, if a player has 700k to 1m rating but is ranking below gold, there’s most likely an issue with his skills and not his roster.
My sister alliance is 34m and 9.95k prestige, stuck in Tier 4 Plat 4.
So about my alliance, we fought in t3 wars in plat 3 and our total rating was 21m... Seems fair that we got kicked outta there and the pressure was actually reduced from us, but my only concerns are about the rewards. We're just disappointed because you know for an alliance like us, the old p3 rewards (speaking of hero shards) were very fair and that's what made us continue with spending our glory on potions for wars, for the rewards.
As for now: having 1k or 2k 6* shards with hardly a basic or a featured 5* isn't what we look to achieve for a full month of work.
So basically this makes us want to stop doing wars and focus more on AQ.
Surely you'll say: Yeah go ahead and do it if that's the case. But, wasn't Kabam's target in this update to get all of us to play and enjoy wars? It was, and honestly we don't enjoy our wars anymore lol, not only me, not only my alliance, but check out all those youtubers sharing out the community's thoughts and Kabam not listening to them. It's all about the rewards, nothing more & nothing less. I mean these rewards are worth of a month of work, do you think they're enough? Especially that we use our glory points just to buy heal potions and revives.
I hope that sums up my point in all what we've talked about above