Salve and recovery

Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★
Was just wondering if I max salve and then recovery , can all my champs except robots regenerate .
If yes then by how much . Plz suggest.
Also is willpower needed or without it the things would work out. .......


  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★
    +5 with max salve and recovery both.
    All champs except robots will heal.
    Willpower is not needed.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,807 Guardian
    Salve will continually regenerate, although a very tiny amount.

    Recovery only increases the amount of regeneration, either from natural ability, or because of Willpower, (plus increases the very tiny amount from Salve).

    So if you get Willpower (only need 1 point), Debuffs will let you Regen, and then Recovery (suggest you max that one) increases that Regen by another (up to) 15%.
    Recovery also increases the natural Regen % of any Robots than normally do that like Ultron too. Ultron can Regen from just below 25% to just above 50%, and then potentially again up to 75% (since he can Regen at both his 25/50 points no matter which order they happen), and the extra 15% adds to him being able to Regen about 28% health instead of just Regen'ing 25% health.
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