I unlocked both precision and cruelty. But cant find any diff. Help me

Hello people. After lots of efforts I finally unlocked both greater precision and cruelty and maxed them . Still I cant see any diff.
What diff shall I be looking for and any tips for further playing style. Thanks in advance.
What diff shall I be looking for and any tips for further playing style. Thanks in advance.
Just joking.
Jokes aside , I use namor , bwcv , shehulk, venom, proxima. Any other champ I should use. And yea guilly2099 with huntress function thus crotting every 20 hit...
And how much damage crit does in comparison to normal attack.
Then revert Mastery to be without the Cruelty/Precision and do again. And see what the difference in “# of hits” is.
Or even if you can't beat him, just track what the different damage numbers are you see in each case.
There would be 4 different #'s that appear (provided using a champ that doesn’t ramp-up like Starlord or someone). White # (non-Crit) 1st and 5th hit Medium's, vs 2/3/4th Light hits. And Yellow (Crit) 1/5th Medium and 2/3/4th Light.
Track how much higher the Yellow ones are when you have those Masteries vs without them. And also the compare how often you see the yellow ones vs only seeing white #'s.
You should see noticeable difference.