New War matchmaking is a joke

cypher26cypher26 Member Posts: 27
OK. I am really annoyed now. We keep getting war mismatches. We are a 7m alliance and keep getting matched to alliances that range from 16m-21m. This is an absolute joke and has ruined our season. I've put in several tickets and get a bs automated response from kaboom.


  • cypher26cypher26 Member Posts: 27
    QuikPik said:

    Let me guess, you’re 7m alliance and finished Gold 2/3 last season?

    Silver 1 we finished. It was our first season
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  • UvealfireUvealfire Member Posts: 14
    It’s the other way for us and really starting to not care at all. Easy matches are one thing, but the last one and the current one are jokes. The last war the other team cleared 2% because we were 30x (not exaggerating) higher on average rating. The current one is 6x and their probably doing good to get 25%. I mean free wins are great as might get us even higher than usual, though we’re extremely casual alliance. I would hate to be the other alliance when your highest guys are 4 stars and you are going up again an alliance 5 r4 5r5 and 6s r1-2 defenders.
  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 826 ★★★★
    @Uvealfire That's the problem, the old match making system where much smaller alliances could get war ratings as high as yours without ever playing any alliance outside of their prestige range.
  • UvealfireUvealfire Member Posts: 14
    We don't have a high war rating. We only complete 70% on AW and clear all 3 groups. It's an easy silver 2 every time since we don't take it that seriously. The problem is these other alliances are legitimate ratings for silver 2/3 and their just going to get wrecked every time since most in silver 2 are running with 3/4 stars or are just casual like our alliance. If we get silver 1 we will really not deserve it, but it might happen if we keep facing alliance that can only clear 2-25% of the map.
  • Manoj259Manoj259 Member Posts: 20
    We're going to loose our 4th consecutive war just because of the unfair matchmaking. don't know what kabam is up to. They have made a joke out of war.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Well, people are going to tell you it has to be this way, but the more that people bring it up, the harder it is for others to brush off. I hear you anyway.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,316 ★★★★★

    Well, people are going to tell you it has to be this way, but the more that people bring it up, the harder it is for others to brush off. I hear you anyway.

    If I remember correctly, you were championing against the change but hardly anyone stood with you and now they pay the price for standing at the sidelines.
  • PathanSalarPathanSalar Member Posts: 24
    Uvealfire said:

    It’s the other way for us and really starting to not care at all. Easy matches are one thing, but the last one and the current one are jokes. The last war the other team cleared 2% because we were 30x (not exaggerating) higher on average rating. The current one is 6x and their probably doing good to get 25%. I mean free wins are great as might get us even higher than usual, though we’re extremely casual alliance. I would hate to be the other alliance when your highest guys are 4 stars and you are going up again an alliance 5 r4 5r5 and 6s r1-2 defenders.

    At last someone who can feel, rather than these all so called Big ally guys who are enjoying this and telling us that we dont deserve silver1 after defeating alliances of our same rating. But they deserve gold even they cant beat alliance same as of their own rating.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    Uvealfire said:

    It’s the other way for us and really starting to not care at all. Easy matches are one thing, but the last one and the current one are jokes. The last war the other team cleared 2% because we were 30x (not exaggerating) higher on average rating. The current one is 6x and their probably doing good to get 25%. I mean free wins are great as might get us even higher than usual, though we’re extremely casual alliance. I would hate to be the other alliance when your highest guys are 4 stars and you are going up again an alliance 5 r4 5r5 and 6s r1-2 defenders.

    At last someone who can feel, rather than these all so called Big ally guys who are enjoying this and telling us that we dont deserve silver1 after defeating alliances of our same rating. But they deserve gold even they cant beat alliance same as of their own rating.
    You’re sorely mistakened. We can beat alliances at our own rating, that’s how we got our ratings in the first place.

    The only issue here, is the multipliers you are earning from the wars.

    If I beat my opponent I should get around 150k points + 50k bonus.

    If you beat your opponent, you’ll get around the same.

    But if I’m in a lower tier, I get lesser season points than you although we both defeated our opponents, and I faced tougher defenders and more organized, well planned defence, while you could have possibly walked through an empty map.

    If you wanna talk about skill, I can guarantee you that 80-90% of the guys in big alliances can drop to a low alliance like yours and be the ultimate boss killer of your entire alliance. I’ve seen it, and also been that “guy” with my alt accounts.

    Anyway, you’re more than welcome to post a video to show how skillful you are.
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    walkerdog said:

    Theres a reason we see videos of lower star accomplishments, like LOL 100% with 4* aegon, from top ally players like KT1, and not from the lower allies who have a duped Aegon. The top level allies are there bc they are better, and theyve been beating better competition - their opponent have more experience and skill too.

    Some low level allies should stop expecting Epic level rewards for Heroic difficulty content.

    Couldn't be better said
  • DanielYorkDanielYork Member Posts: 42

    Well, people are going to tell you it has to be this way, but the more that people bring it up, the harder it is for others to brush off. I hear you anyway.

    Wrong, the more you bring it up and 70% of forum post say you are wrong further solidified what they are doing. So keep complaining and we’ll be here to tell you it’s unwarranted.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★

    Uvealfire said:

    It’s the other way for us and really starting to not care at all. Easy matches are one thing, but the last one and the current one are jokes. The last war the other team cleared 2% because we were 30x (not exaggerating) higher on average rating. The current one is 6x and their probably doing good to get 25%. I mean free wins are great as might get us even higher than usual, though we’re extremely casual alliance. I would hate to be the other alliance when your highest guys are 4 stars and you are going up again an alliance 5 r4 5r5 and 6s r1-2 defenders.

    At last someone who can feel, rather than these all so called Big ally guys who are enjoying this and telling us that we dont deserve silver1 after defeating alliances of our same rating. But they deserve gold even they cant beat alliance same as of their own rating.
    If they can't defeat alliances of the same rating they will drop too. War rating is the best metric to judge an alliances skill. If you can beat bigger and stronger alliances with smaller accounts you will continue to climb as normal. If not you will level out at your alliances skill cap. It's not saying you aren't good. You can still be better than bigger alliances but you will need to beat them to prove it. The new matchmaking is going to still let you be the best among similar prestige alliances but you won't be able to pass bigger alliances without more skill.
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★
    The new war system (finally the correct way to do it) makes it equal for all. Play an ally with same/close war rating and the team with best roster and/or skill wins.. anyone who thinks this is not fair is very confused
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Uvealfire said:

    It’s the other way for us and really starting to not care at all. Easy matches are one thing, but the last one and the current one are jokes. The last war the other team cleared 2% because we were 30x (not exaggerating) higher on average rating. The current one is 6x and their probably doing good to get 25%. I mean free wins are great as might get us even higher than usual, though we’re extremely casual alliance. I would hate to be the other alliance when your highest guys are 4 stars and you are going up again an alliance 5 r4 5r5 and 6s r1-2 defenders.

    At last someone who can feel, rather than these all so called Big ally guys who are enjoying this and telling us that we dont deserve silver1 after defeating alliances of our same rating. But they deserve gold even they cant beat alliance same as of their own rating.
    Very simple question, if you cannot beat guild X why do you feel you deserve better rewards than guild x? With the change they probably should have reset all points and had it go like that, but they did not. This system rewards you for your skill, not for your ability to manipulate the system by maintaining law prestige for easy fights.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★

    Well, people are going to tell you it has to be this way, but the more that people bring it up, the harder it is for others to brush off. I hear you anyway.

    If I remember correctly, you were championing against the change but hardly anyone stood with you and now they pay the price for standing at the sidelines.
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