For a F2P Player are Suicide Masteries Worth it?

I’ve just become cavalier and I did it with spending no units. I had thought I would use a fair bit of units so I’ve been hoarding for a while. I’m currently on just under 6k units. I think it’s about 7700 units to get full suicides plus willpower (correct me if I’m wrong). So I was wondering if it’s worth spending a large amount of units for those masteries? How often do you you need to change out of them in a typical month (I’m in an alliance that focuses on map 554 AQ)? How expensive is it to switch them on and off because YouTubers like lagacy are always talking about not being suicides back in because of the cost so if they don’t want to spend the units for that regularly I don’t know if I’ll be able to afford it?
Specially if you have champions like Ghost Corvus BWCV Warlock Thing should definitely go for it.
Unless they made it free for a couple of days or just have the ability to change them without unit costs, then for me it is not worth it
Here's a thread that could help.
In the long run though they’ll pay themselves off as arena runs become faster so you’ll earn more units, gold etc faster.
Questing they’ll only really be issues when dealing with heal block, heal reversal or spectre nodes, or if facing a void or warlock without a double immune champ.
I’ve found you need a group of 5-8 champs that are either suicide friendly or can get by with them for it to be beneficial (as you’ll be regularly questing and doing AQ/AW at the same time).
If your main champs are not suicide friendly (e.g. void) then I wouldn’t switch them on.