R5 or R2 three champs, which ones should I do first ?

I can R5 or R2 three champs (iso and some t4 basics are still needed, but that won’t take long), still trying to figure out who. Options are below.(All the 6 stars are unduped)
Context: currently cavalier, but haven’t started 6.2 or explored 6.1, completed but not explored variant 4. Immediate future: looking for champs to help me explore ch6 and rest of variants, as well as aw and aq attack.
In the past, I have typically used some combo of blade (4/55), GR(4/55), SL (4/55), 4* AA, 6* sentinel, and Angela (6* R2) in attack teams (these champs made up my team for most of 6.1) Most of those options (besides blade) listed to potentially rank up I have pulled in the last 2 months so all progress was typically made with my other champs, and I am looking for a bit of a revamp to my roster. My only current R5 5* or R2 6* is Angela.
Context: currently cavalier, but haven’t started 6.2 or explored 6.1, completed but not explored variant 4. Immediate future: looking for champs to help me explore ch6 and rest of variants, as well as aw and aq attack.
In the past, I have typically used some combo of blade (4/55), GR(4/55), SL (4/55), 4* AA, 6* sentinel, and Angela (6* R2) in attack teams (these champs made up my team for most of 6.1) Most of those options (besides blade) listed to potentially rank up I have pulled in the last 2 months so all progress was typically made with my other champs, and I am looking for a bit of a revamp to my roster. My only current R5 5* or R2 6* is Angela.
R5 or R2 three champs, which ones should I do first ? 47 votes
Believe it or not, havok works in variant 2
All three of those cover interesting aspects that can be beneficial.
What specific aspects did you have in mind when you said OR, g2099, and Venom?
G2099 cannot Crit, meaning enemies that benefit when a Crit occurs lose that benefit, such as Mr Sinister, she also gains an armour up which is useful against Havok. She can power drain and heal reverse also. Plus ramped up her damage is great. Also has a heal, and double immune.
Venom is great against Spidey verse, as long as he has his Klyntar buff they cannot evade. He can cause Bleeds, and his SP1 can nom some buffs. He gains true strike when enemies are low on HP. He also has a lot of buffs as well, which can benefit from nodes that require buff heavy champs, much like your Angela. Out of the three he's the one that you could replace with any of your other champs in ranking up, in which case I would suggest SS instead for nullifying lots of buffs.
Essentially OR and G2099 are the two main ones I'd rank up, with Venom being a choice that you can take or replace with anyone else, and SS being a close 4th.
G2099 CAN Crit with her prefight, but that does not detract that she can counter enemies that benefit from being critically hit. It doesn't make that point any less prevelant, especially when you can choose not to use it.
I feel like you're arguing for the sake of arguing.
Guilly2099 she can really wreck a lot of endgame content.
Third slot venom or Longshot.
I have a r2 venom and he is great. I have a r5 Longshot and he is one of my top 5 favorite champs to play. And he’s great. But SS if you dont have a good replacement for him.
Also, I took a break for about a year and a half, so I’m having to figure out all these “new” champs at once, which has been a chore to say the least. Also OR is probably the one I am least familiar with as I have had him the least amount of time, but have liked him so far and have heard good things so I was considering ranking him up all the way.
Your goal should be to max as many good champions as possible and the extra amount of resources that ranking six stars costs are devastating at your current position in the game.
That said, start with Omega red. He's great and your best option as far as I'm concerned. For second and third rank up, I would decide between Archangel and Blade. You don't need to rank up Guilly for V3 as you have a six star Sentinel along with a R4 Star lord. Those three at those ranks will definitely be able to explore V3.
Omega and Archangel will help you explore V2 along with Venom and Sentinel so ranking up Omega followed by Archangel is not a bad idea.