wait did you really just say "finally a non-garbage pull"? have you seen your roster? I would only be disappointed by three of them, and I'd be extremely happy about 5 of them
wait did you really just say "finally a non-garbage pull"? have you seen your roster? I would only be disappointed by three of them, and I'd be extremely happy about 5 of them
Oh probably should’ve worded it differently I meant that my recent pulls have been duds and this has been a pull that hasn’t disappointed me(Besides doom, morning star, Hyperion, carnage, and physlocke)
wait did you really just say "finally a non-garbage pull"? have you seen your roster? I would only be disappointed by three of them, and I'd be extremely happy about 5 of them
Oh probably should’ve worded it differently I meant that my recent pulls have been duds and this has been a pull that hasn’t disappointed me(Besides doom, morning star, Hyperion, carnage, and physlocke)
I've gotten trash after trash recently. Will have another 6* on Wednesday and I'm really not looking forward to I have 14 2 of which are duped and still no one I'm eager to take to r2, and my 5*s I've gotten nothing recently I'm eager to rank up and I've got whole lot of resources in overflow. Sucks
I've gotten trash after trash recently. Will have another 6* on Wednesday and I'm really not looking forward to I have 14 2 of which are duped and still no one I'm eager to take to r2, and my 5*s I've gotten nothing recently I'm eager to rank up and I've got whole lot of resources in overflow. Sucks
You have an above average roster. I didn’t get my first beyond god 5 star until my 21st one. Also, do you know how many people are hunting doom...?
If this is about the title you can scroll up and read what I wrote earlier..... it’s pretty obvious I worded it wrong what person complains about having trash pulls and takes that “trash pull” to r4
You have an above average roster. I didn’t get my first beyond god 5 star until my 21st one. Also, do you know how many people are hunting doom...?
If this is about the title you can scroll up and read what I wrote earlier..... it’s pretty obvious I worded it wrong what person complains about having trash pulls and takes that “trash pull” to r4
Must have missed when you said that. Yeah your last few pulls other than HB are pretty sad. It’s all part of the game tho. Also, I would take HB to r5. I’d definitely go with doom or Hyperion first, but after them probably HB.
"finally a non-garbage pull" has a duped doom and hyperion and like ten five stars...
😑 I obviously worded it wrong why would I take doom to r4 if I really meant “non garbage pull”?(Obviously the only trash their is rhino pheonix cyclops and iron patriot) Feel free to read what I wrote earlier
6 👍: 4 👎
jk, i know you trolling
I already have him with 4/55, but I am waiting for the 6 Star HulkBuster, as Six Star is the future of this game.