Champs stuck in aq [Merged Thread]



  • Finalflash8Finalflash8 Member Posts: 72
    Still locked. But now with full health. Thanks?
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★

    Still locked. But now with full health. Thanks?

    My corvus charges were reset too.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★

    Champions should be starting to be released now. Give it a little while, but if yours are freed up, please let me know!

    Champions are still locked, but now have full health in AQ! Come!!!
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    If KABAM ending the series at 4pm PDT. (11 hours ago)
    WHY my BEST champions are still locked in AQ ?
    I run MAP2 they should be free anyway!
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  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Champs are still locked in AQ because you didn't clear AQ. So here's the new issue. AQ will start at normal time today, but the champs I need for AQ won't be unlocked for 2 more hours until this AQ day ends to unlock my champs. Either clear out this AQ day or push the start of the new AQ cycle until tomorrow.
  • BurningSpear72BurningSpear72 Member Posts: 23
    I haven’t purchased anything significant in the game until this recent July deals. When I think of “healthy relationships” it’s about reciprocity and integrity. I would like to see compensation that is of integrity and reciprocity for this issue. I’ve been playing for 5 yrs and this is the first really big crash in aq. But not the first nor sure to be the last. As a fellow gamer said throw 1-2 rank down tickets. That’d be fair compensation. Anyway my two cents. ✌🏾
  • adramelchadramelch Member Posts: 98
    Please make sure you release our champs from this AQ before you start the next one. Half my alliance are locked in maps 6 & 5 unable to release their champs unless powering through noded champs. We are not willing to waste healing potions or revives on something that doesn't even count so it seems we are stuck
  • Behemoth_HammerBehemoth_Hammer Member Posts: 2
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    -sixate- said:

    Champs are still locked in AQ because you didn't clear AQ. So here's the new issue. AQ will start at normal time today, but the champs I need for AQ won't be unlocked for 2 more hours until this AQ day ends to unlock my champs. Either clear out this AQ day or push the start of the new AQ cycle until tomorrow.

    With maintenance tonight you'd think pushing off until tomorrow would be logical since it's been nothing but a mess so far, and why risk it today with maintenance going on tonight?
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    Maybe we have to end the quest that not exist....
  • KrumbledkookieKrumbledkookie Member Posts: 273
    8 hours later and champs are STILL LOCKED.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Still stuck too, with about 6 others in each of the three maps in our Alliance. Thinking we will get doom down, but if we don't??
  • TO_GOTO_GO Member Posts: 8
    Please stop starting AQ tomorrow.
    It should start the day after tomorrow.
    Our top champions are still locked at the start time of tomorrow.
  • CourtbearCourtbear Member Posts: 172
    And champs are still stuck in broken AQ this morning. How is this going to affect AQ restart? I guess I can’t call for AQ start up if I’m still stuck in AQ 🙃 nor join till broken AQ timer ends, 2 hours late 😐
  • kconrad37kconrad37 Member Posts: 160 ★★
    Still stuck in AQ here for me as well. With them being locked in for 8 hours but the new series starting in just over 6 hours, I'm sure that will create some problems.

    You need someone to go into the back end and run a script that will update all champions to be released from Alliance Quest maps - I'm sure there's some sort of Flag you guys have that denote whether the champion is being used in AQ or not.
  • Daywalker84Daywalker84 Member Posts: 17
    Yes same here new aq starts 2 hours before the other ends and champs are still blocked
  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    Also that would lead to a solid 48 hours of champions being locked in AQ, that’s kinda just 2 days where we can’t quest at all because of this
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  • TwistedcowgirlTwistedcowgirl Member Posts: 151
    Can you at least assure us we will get our champs back when the new one starts?
  • GFactorGFactor Member Posts: 21
    Champs still locked in AQ, please release them!
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  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★

    with the delay to AQ.. we're now losing out on being able to use these champions in content for 5 days this week.

  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44
    Champs still locked...not only that, they're locked into map 2 which shouldn't be the case to begin with?!
  • UrmylilbitzUrmylilbitz Member Posts: 22
    Seems like AQ is gonna run its course behind the scene. Woke up this morning and nothing changed
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,466 ★★★★★
    Really need this to be fixed. Will be a huge pain otherwise.
  • Space_gooSpace_goo Member Posts: 127
    Still locked

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