Cosmic 5/65 gem - to Hyperion or not to Hyperion...

Hi all.. I have a cosmic 5/65 gem and generic Awakening gem (no cosmic). I also have 2 skill 5*ag (no Nick or aegon), 1 mutant and Omega already awakened... So who else is a 5* generic to be saved for?
I run suicides... And given sig 200 Omega and 2/35 6* corvus, I'm unlikely to switch them off.
Should I just 5/65 Hyperion, or should I save it for CMM or venom?
Will I use him? Cavalier/6.1.6 completed only, v4 100%, one run through v3, not looked at act 6 for a few months.... Medusa goes everywhere with omega to deal with robots...
But then not sure what else I'd use the gem for?

I run suicides... And given sig 200 Omega and 2/35 6* corvus, I'm unlikely to switch them off.
Should I just 5/65 Hyperion, or should I save it for CMM or venom?
Will I use him? Cavalier/6.1.6 completed only, v4 100%, one run through v3, not looked at act 6 for a few months.... Medusa goes everywhere with omega to deal with robots...
But then not sure what else I'd use the gem for?

Hyperion is superior to CMM and Venom. Not much, but he is.
Pull the trigger and bring him to sig20 or 40. Having Hyperion at 5/65 lvl40 I can guarantee you won’t regret it 😉
I use my duped 5/65 Hype all the time.
As far as Annihilus, I'm not a big fan of purely defensive ranks ups, most defenders fall from greatness over time as more and more counters are released. I prefer to invest in champions who are good for both defense and offense. Some of the best defenders are also good for offense.