Run for Cavalier, advice needed.

StoNerdStoNerd Member Posts: 182
I have been building my roaster for last couple of month for my run towards cavalier.
I am able to complete 100% exploring monthly UC EQ with 1/2 revives for the chapter boss.
I haven't started act 5.3. I made few trails this week, but 5.3 is very long, taking around 150hits with my top champs.

Please advise me, if I am ready to proceed by saving few units, or keep on building roaster as it is taking long to find t2a cc.

I have attached my roaster below, please suggest good 5* to upgrade as of now for initial completion of act5.

Please specify.

Run for Cavalier, advice needed. 25 votes

Grind units through arenas and start act 5 completion. (If yes, how many units I need to save for initial completion of act 5.3 and 5.4)
SnakeEyes69LilMaddogHTThunderstruck77ThedancingkidKDSuperFlash10KnightZeroAleorSidDDragonThicco_ModeStellanPlinkolowlevelplayerLucifer1810Captain_HMrGreekPybruh 16 votes
Build up roaster with new champs. (What rank should I take the god tier champs ?)
Warlord5386TripleUDnegrin6969deepblack12Doctor_Strange19MathgeekMuffinBrainodishika123HelluvaPull 9 votes


  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Grind units through arenas and start act 5 completion. (If yes, how many units I need to save for initial completion of act 5.3 and 5.4)
    You have the roster for a cavalier push, that's for sure.

    The main roadblock in Act 6.1 is the 6.1.5 Biohazard Crossbones, and from what I can tell, you have 3 counters to him, Colossus, Iceman, and Black Widow CV. If I were you, I would explore Act 5 first to get the generic AG to awaken Nick Fury and then you'll be set. You have many great champions.
  • ThedancingkidThedancingkid Member Posts: 274 ★★
    Grind units through arenas and start act 5 completion. (If yes, how many units I need to save for initial completion of act 5.3 and 5.4)
    Rank up Venom, Corvus, and Colossus as a priority.

    Not sure what your routine is, but once you’ve done the monthly EQ you should be pushing story. Ideally you’d be doing arena regularly and have between 500-1000 units a month from it. My rule of thumb has always been to only do a story quest map completion run if I have about 300 units for it. It doesn’t have to take that much, and if it looks like I’ll need more (say all champs dead way before half) it means I’m not ready and need to grind and rank some more.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Grind units through arenas and start act 5 completion. (If yes, how many units I need to save for initial completion of act 5.3 and 5.4)
    colossus and venom will be very helpful. you easily have the roster for act five completion. I personally didn't really use any pots or revives, so I didn't need to farm units, so maybe continue trying for completion
  • Warlord5386Warlord5386 Member Posts: 245 ★★
    edited July 2020
    Build up roaster with new champs. (What rank should I take the god tier champs ?)
    I just became cavalier today. Build your roster first and ideally your top champs should be 5* Rank 4s or 6* rank 1 or above. Rank up a solid bleed immune specifically for the biohazard sentinel and crossbones.

    I personally used Dr Doom , Domino , Quake (These 3 were at Rank 4 and were My MVP's) , Colossus , venom and sorcerer supreme.

    I would suggest complete act 5 first and watch some guides and build a roster of rank 4 champions. Start pushing for variant content for rank up materials. These will give you a taste of act 6 as well as help you progress in the game.

    Colossus and Iceman will really help you with the crossbones (which is the most difficult roadblock in my opinion). Claire will aslo be a great rank 4 champ and will help you a lot moreover she'll also help you as a backup on crossbones and sentinel.

    That bieng said you should try to push for variants for those rank up materials. And possibly do 5.4 and 5.3 for awakening gems for nick and void.

    Edit: I haven't used any units at all. Used up 4-5 revives and used boosts for cross bones and sentinel fights respectively in act 6.

    Good luck.
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Does he have a counter to 6.1.2 Ultron?
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Grind units through arenas and start act 5 completion. (If yes, how many units I need to save for initial completion of act 5.3 and 5.4)

    Does he have a counter to 6.1.2 Ultron?

    Ramp vtd and it should be easy fight. His degen is passive, so it shouldn't trigger his buffs
  • chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Member Posts: 362
    Level up your venom and colossus and nick fury
    Venom is one of the key who helped in becoming cavalier
    I just became cavalier like 2 hours ago
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