Rank down tickets should return based on new AW Diversity.



  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Ponyboy wrote: »
    We know what we're walking into bring RDTs up. It's been the boy who cried wolf about bad rank up choices. But I honestly don't see the argument against it with this issue. Guys who've ranked up Antman, BPCW, Juggs etc specifically for AWD are hurting the alliance if another member has the same picks for defense. You're technically "losing out" on points putting more than 1.

    If there's another solution besides RTDs I'd like to hear it

    The solution is adding more ways to get resources in game, rdts are effectively rank down and rank up tickets and what people have problems with are the rank down part. If resources were plenty enough that old rank up mistakes were negligible than people who want rdt's would stop complaining and people against rdt's wouldn't be against it because adding resources instead of rdt's mean you still have your bad rank up choice, it can't let you jumble up your roster completely, removes the unfair aspect of rdts, doesn't give any alliances an advantage in war and AQ and gives everyone an equal opportunity to better their roster
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    The new AW has drastically changed the usefulness of all characters. Having more than one of any champ hurts your AWD, so all champs ranked up for AWD have been nerfed.

    The way the game is currently set up, you are better off placing a r3 4* Luke Cage than a second r4 5* Spidy. You're even better off not placing a defender than that second Spidy. RDTs need to be issued for this very reason. The t4BCs and t4CCs on that worthless second Spidy can be put into Luke Cage to help your alliance.
  • _LivingDeadGirl_LivingDeadGirl Member Posts: 160
    I don't see what the massive deal is behind no for rank down tickets. First of all I saw what Kabam said and I think they're skirting the truth. They didn't make and implement something as complex as rank down tickets just to never whip em out again. You know they can still make them. They just don't want to deal with the negativitiy that comes with them. People still feel burned from the big nurf and those tickets might scare people.

    Too bad. Stop freaking out over what could be changed before its confirmed. What has been confirmed is that Regen champs, champs like SW who gain utility on critical hits or already accell at critical damage along with spideys/cyclops just became the best thing you can bring to an AW. All or nothing was removed all together so many champs who could be defenders if they held their power no longer do.

    Because bleed immune/poison immune and enhancing nodes are mostly in the same areas now all bleed and poison immune champs became attackers. It's common knowledge where these are so that further reduces their effectiveness.

    I just spent an hour yesterday doing a full BG's node assignments. It only took that long because I'm OCD. Google the "new aw set ups" and the first image, 5 magiks and a dorm sums it up. It all comes down to killing them off. The rest isn't worth the effort of setting up. Your options are predictable and study or unpredictable and gain little to nothing for said node.

    I don't use my beast/NC/BP/ now because excluding an arguably useful nc the other two are just pillow fists 2 and 3.0 unless on a bleed enhanced node.

    CW just became god tier. Magik just got promoted to defense super god tier. Everyone else kind of just slumped over a little.

    Rank down tickets can also help prep us for when people stop placing champions because I mean why bother really? Place the diverse ones you can that might get a kill but the rest are easy points for the other team. Or also for the eventual 6* release in the not so far off future. I know that one doesn't call for rank down tickets but concidering the AWD changed so much it just gives even more of a reason to toss us a few. Ok I'm done.
  • Deez_Nutz_131Deez_Nutz_131 Member Posts: 16
    I want to give a big thanks to all of you who actually see things the way I do. This AW has drastically changed, and no it wasn't in a way a nerf to one champ, but to many defensive champs who we've ranked specifically for AWD. Anyone who was new to an Alliance will usually ask leadership as to who they should rank for AWD. We would have a list of certain champs who they should rank based on their BG they were in. But now we have to rank based on the entire alliance and not just BG due to the diversity points, this makes difficult for leadership on deciding who to rank up with the member's limited resources. Their T4cc sits in a useless defender now because 10 other members have the same champ for Defense.
  • Doomed1144Doomed1144 Member Posts: 17
    I'm not exactly sure why players have an issue with rankdown tickets. I for one am the leader of my alliance and we all went crazy doing arena for exactly the same champs. Are those champs useless? No but now a match can be decided by diversity which is a new aspect that alters the game. Heck I have a rank 4 duped 5* nebula that all of a sudden doesn't charge when blocking and getting hit during that block and her charge timer resets halfway after a parry block hold making it 90% impossible to get a charge after. I tried her, I tested her, I liked her that way so I invested, now she's a bum lol. If not generic rank down tickets, maybe champ specific. We all know every alliance is flooded with nightcrawler, mordo, juggy etc. Plus for anytime they change a champs abilities after the fact, an expire in 2 days specific champ rank down ticket. Wait until they decide gwenpools bleed is too strong and it was never intended to be that strong and she gets nerfed, who will want tickets then? They are situational and heavily opinionated but I do believe they are necessary in some instances, like this one, that doesn't affect my alliance at all really. It's a double edged sword.
  • MyTaffyMyTaffy Member Posts: 144
    @Apache You can't just post that and not expain as to why?

    There are already so many explanation of why there should not be RDTs and yet people are still creating thread asking for it days after days and expecting those people to post the same argument again and again.

    For me, I am not against it but I prefer to have more resources to rank up more champions.
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    Agree with OP. Rank down tickets should be available as end game meta changed.

    Wasn't a little change.

    Was a massive change.
  • PonyboyPonyboy Member Posts: 122

    This is a whole new (legitimate imo) post about RTDs. I thought the same thing about the posts every week with poor excuses. Probably because they pulled a better champ instead of holding out for certain ones.

    I even agree with the more resources like you and @Sungj said. Really don't see that happening. Really don't see getting RTDs either. But alliances with the illustrious Mordo, Magik, Dormammu, Hyperion yada yada defense have to pick 1 per BG. Or guys with Antman, BPCW, Juggs and so on choose best for their BG while the other members who maxed those strictly AWD champs definitely feel like they squandered t4ccs.

    I actually like the idea of diversity. But if it's going to be the deciding factor of 100% fights, or at least the tie breaker, then it's changing the way we rank up defenders in the future and past.

    Definitely not the worst problem to have right now. This is my first attempt at an RTD discussion. I rolled my eyes this past year at all the RTD posts too.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Ponyboy wrote: »
    We know what we're walking into bring RDTs up. It's been the boy who cried wolf about bad rank up choices. But I honestly don't see the argument against it with this issue. Guys who've ranked up Antman, BPCW, Juggs etc specifically for AWD are hurting the alliance if another member has the same picks for defense. You're technically "losing out" on points putting more than 1.

    If there's another solution besides RTDs I'd like to hear it

    The solution is keep who you Ranked and Rank someone else. That's the whole point of the game. At least from a design perspective. There is no such thing as wasted Ranking. Some people may choose to be selective with their Roster, but the game is all about Ranking as much as we can. That's why we have a Rating. Now, people are free to play and Rank how they choose. That doesn't mean the game is responsible for giving Tickets when they make changes to content just so people can have the most efficient Roster all the time.
  • ProtisakProtisak Member Posts: 66
    I am not sure why this is even a conversation. We need rank down tickets. 5 will suffice, Kabam fundamentally changed the way the game is played. Wins are now decided really on diversity AND DEFENDER RATING. I have 5 strong champs that i bought masteries for, used awakening gems, sig stones and iso's on to have the strongest team possible based on the old model. I personally think tjis new model with a few tweaks is a nice change, but i literally need to adjust my whole roster. I guess the money making idea is to have you continously have to rank up heroes to stay diverse. I understand, but the right move would be to offer rank down tickets to soften this blow.
  • CavalierCavalier Member Posts: 246
    I have to ask. Who was your defense team and who will you be changing it to? The strongest defenders have not changed that I see, and your still trying to keep your end boss alive with a strong defense. So please educated me on who is being replaced and with who. If you can't, then I see no need for rank down tickets, and this is just a ploy to get them for other personal reasons.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    I have used 5 new defenders everybwar this week compared to my usual defense setup. They were ranked for that sole purpose and now are just arena fodder. But whatever, who cares anymore?

    Most people just want them to rank up newer champs after feeling they made a "mistake" rankin up someone long ago. That should not be the purpose but that's what they will be used for by most. So no, you won't get any,
  • ProtisakProtisak Member Posts: 66
    Not sure if you are referring to me but my current 5 are spidey, magik, dorm, mordo and AV ...i may get to keep one but all are duplicted Several times in my bg. I specifically ranked those heroes for defense and do not have an unlimited source of r5's. Now with these changes yes i can replace them but it will be with r4's or matbe r3's. I would rather kabam be fair and help us adjust to a pretty major shift. In terms of "other reasons" i dont know what you could possibly be talking about. Whatever nefarious things a small percentage of players do, shouldnt be the excuse or deterrent to satisfyinv the base
  • MyTaffyMyTaffy Member Posts: 144
    Ponyboy wrote: »

    I even agree with the more resources like you and @Sungj said. Really don't see that happening. Really don't see getting RTDs either. But alliances with the illustrious Mordo, Magik, Dormammu, Hyperion yada yada defense have to pick 1 per BG. Or guys with Antman, BPCW, Juggs and so on choose best for their BG while the other members who maxed those strictly AWD champs definitely feel like they squandered t4ccs..

    I agreed with you there but we know both are impossible but they keep on asking for RDTs instead of pushing for more Rank up tickets or more resources. That's the part that puzzles me. I do not just want only 5 rank 5 champions. I want all my 4* to be rank 5.

  • CavalierCavalier Member Posts: 246
    I was not referring to any one person. I guess what I was trying to say is, you want to use the best defenders to stop the other team from getting 20K points by killing your boss. And the best defenders have not changed. I saw that you get 120 or 150 points for having a champ in play that no one else brought, but that won't matter if your boss gets killed but you can't reach the other teams boss because the defenders stop you.
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    Protisak wrote: »
    Not sure if you are referring to me but my current 5 are spidey, magik, dorm, mordo and AV ...i may get to keep one but all are duplicted Several times in my bg. I specifically ranked those heroes for defense and do not have an unlimited source of r5's. Now with these changes yes i can replace them but it will be with r4's or matbe r3's. I would rather kabam be fair and help us adjust to a pretty major shift. In terms of "other reasons" i dont know what you could possibly be talking about. Whatever nefarious things a small percentage of players do, shouldnt be the excuse or deterrent to satisfyinv the base

    You havent actually said who you would be changing your D team to though?
  • HQ101HQ101 Member Posts: 422 ★★
    I AGREE 110%.

    For several reasons:

    1. For YEARS we have spent Time, Money and Resources on AW Defenders based on the old AW standard. We have done this to WIN AW. It was our choice not to be Diverse. These champs were just the BEST AW defenders. And now, we are being punished for making these choices.

    2. This is NO DIFFERENT than when Scarlet, Thor, Widow and Dr. Strange were nerfed. Kabam made those choices for the sake of DIVERSITY also. So we wouldn't ALL use the same champs in AQ over and over again. And now, we are stuck with these champs and NO WAY TO CHANGE THEM WITHOUT RANK DOWN TICKETS.

    3. Having Duplicates of the same War Defenders is where we all all RIGHT NOW. 90% of my alliance has the EXACT SAME DEFENDERS... Magik, OG Spiderman, Electro, Juggernaut, Nightcrawler etc. Wifhout Rank Down Tickets, WE CAN'T CHANGE THIS OVERNIGHT.

    4. Final and MOST IMPORTANT... You renderred the AW Defenders we currently have ALMOST USELESS with DIVERSITY. If we had known this was coming, we 100% would have made different choices.
  • KillawabzKillawabz Member Posts: 55
    We just lost our alliance war because of the single fact of Defender diversity. I am legit pissed off and believe we deserve these rank down tickets. Generic ones too.

    Why generic? Because in the top tiers EVERYONE ranked up their Magik, their dormammu, their nightcrawlers and etc etc purely for defense. You can argue that these champs are also great at attack but we're talking about defense here.

    Actually, **** generic. 1 of each class is better. Personally I also think one 5* generic rank down should be given out, many people took up their 5*s for defense purely because they are so powerful at rank 4/3. Now they're pretty **** stuck with a purely defensively champion such as rhino, juggernaut etc.
  • Jay_duped1Jay_duped1 Member Posts: 5
    How about we don't get rank down tickets and don't deal with diversity points at all. Even if we get rank down tickets how does a person decide that they will rank up a specific champ no one wants use including themselves. We are being controlled in that way. We should be able to place whoever we want and rank up whoever we want. That isn't fair at all.
  • MyTaffyMyTaffy Member Posts: 144
    Just rank up more champions so you have more diverse champions to place in defense.
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    I think it is a shame that so many people begged for rank down tickets for poor reasons over the past couple of months, because it created this boy who cried wolf atmosphere.

    The change to AW has substantially altered the champs we place on defense. My old defensive team was 5* Magik, 4* Magik, 5* Juggs, Hyperion, and Nightcrawler... Now my defense is 5*Ironman, 5*Hulkbuster, 4*Ultron, 4*Hulk, and 5*Ronan. Completely different characters and not all of them are ranked as high as they could be.

    Considering the time, money, and resources I spent building my team to compete in the old version of AW, I think several rank down tickets are literally the minimum Kabam can do here. I'm not even getting into mystic dispersion and it's cost now doing me no real good (I bought it for defense only, hate it on attack) and my new need for Tech Collar.

    This was a complete change to how the game is played. It would be completely appropriate to send adjustment packages to players who spent resources moving towards things that made sense for the old system that no longer make sense under the new system. In fact, it is startling that wasn't part of this from the beginning.
  • IdontinksoIdontinkso Member Posts: 156
    Defense got nerfed... a whole bunch of heros lost a purpose in AW. Its not one specific champ its a whole category that have gone the way of DS and iron fist.
  • PlasmaKingPlasmaKing Member Posts: 105
    Killawabz wrote: »
    We just lost our alliance war because of the single fact of Defender diversity. I am legit pissed off and believe we deserve these rank down tickets. Generic ones too.

    Why generic? Because in the top tiers EVERYONE ranked up their Magik, their dormammu, their nightcrawlers and etc etc purely for defense. You can argue that these champs are also great at attack but we're talking about defense here.

    Actually, **** generic. 1 of each class is better. Personally I also think one 5* generic rank down should be given out, many people took up their 5*s for defense purely because they are so powerful at rank 4/3. Now they're pretty **** stuck with a purely defensively champion such as rhino, juggernaut etc.

    Hang on, you said you lost because of diversity and then say everyone in the top tiers ranked magik etc..... therefore we would all have the same issue of a limited squad however my alliance didnt, and i know other strategic alliances, didnt focus on repeat champs for just one purpose and we have always sought wide, varried and strong champs. Why because alliances cant bring the one magik killing team, for example, to each path and hope to succeed.

    Sorry the strategy you state above imo was never a great one to follow and now its been brought to the front and is hurting those who followed it.

    And no RDT arent appropriate. If you dont have great diversity, nor do many others, so start working on that as its a challenge shared among many alliance from what is posted. They changed quests not champs and while uncomfortable for many durring the transition stage its not RDT worthy imo
  • Deez_Nutz_131Deez_Nutz_131 Member Posts: 16
    Well for your top Tier Alliances you guys have the resources to rank 5 how many champs you want. Us middle tier don't have that option, we ranked specifically and strategically for our Defense which won us many wars with defender kills. To get our T4cc back would be a great asset to our new defense build. We work as an Alliance to set up the best possible defense with what we have.
  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2017
    I think the real problem is the board has gotten too easy and attacker kills and defender kills (strategically placing champs) is no longer weighted enough (or at all) to contribute to a win. Now we have to consider diversity. It's almost better to place trashy highly rated champs just to get our diversity number up. That's lame, and forces us to upgrade champs we don't want to use just for diversity points? What, we don't work hard enough already? I don't think rank down tickets are the answer. I think some tougher nodes on the board are. Weighting diversity this high while diminishing the difficulty so much is going in the wrong direction.
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