Magik on Recovery Node Ineffective?
There is a debate amungst my alliance whether or not Magik should be on a "recovery" node.
I have stated that the recovery node is purposed for champs who "regenerate" such as wolverine or "overload" such as Iron Man or Ultron.
Because champs like Guillotine and Magik performs a different buff and is more of a "life steal" than a recovery, I do not believe this node is designed for them.
Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks
I have stated that the recovery node is purposed for champs who "regenerate" such as wolverine or "overload" such as Iron Man or Ultron.
Because champs like Guillotine and Magik performs a different buff and is more of a "life steal" than a recovery, I do not believe this node is designed for them.
Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks