Too many champion opponents with regenerative health
Correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't more champions than usual have regenerative health? Iron Man, Superior Iron Man, Deadpool, Mister Sinister... when did these get this ability all of a sudden?
Deadpool as a boss is almost impossible now. Yesterday i got him down to below 15 percent several times and every time he regenerates health up to almost 50 percent and you have to start over again.
Deadpool as a boss is almost impossible now. Yesterday i got him down to below 15 percent several times and every time he regenerates health up to almost 50 percent and you have to start over again.
Deadpool as a boss is almost impossible now. Yesterday i got him down to below 15 percent several times and every time he regenerates health up to almost 50 percent and you have to start over again.
For deadpool u need a character who can heal block...I recommend setinel or vision
2. Most of these champs have burst regen which you can just let them use and just treat it as extra health
3. You can outdamage it with most champs who at least have a moderate damage output
For the 2 Ironmen, they need to be Dup'd (Awakened Ability), so maybe you only have encountered un-Dup'd versions in early story content.
And yes, all those can trigger their Regen in EACH fight if they fall below the Regen Point during each of the following fights again after having Regen'd back above that point the fight before (if you didn’t kill them).