Duel Challenge group on Line

LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
Hey guys, we have a Line group (MCOC Duel Challenges) that creates a particular challenge to compete in every 3-4 days. The Challenge typically goes for 3 days and is against a Duel target in the game or some champion in the current available monthly quest, side quest or permanent Act content. That challenge typically will consist of something like fastest kill, most hits, do X with the Champion the most times, etc. We have been running this for a long time now, almost 2 years, and we are coming up on our 200th challenge. If you are interested in joining this group to test your skills and knowledge of the game, hit us up on Line.

I'm going to use this thread to post our challenges as we have them.

Link to current challenge (updated to point to the current poster as we have future challenges):

Link to our Hall of Fame (this is our overall Leaderboard for Top 3 finishers for all the challenges):

Folder on Google that stores our past Duel Challenge Posters (have 125-199 and up right now, working on getting the older ones in there as well), so anyone can see the ideas/challenges of the past:


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