Auto fight for farmable revives

Quest 4.1.6 you will get a revive at least every other time you run it. Not to mention full energy refills pop up from time to time. Don’t thank me... thank ilacskills!
I feel like Kabam isn't going to care enough to change it. 🤷♂️
Are you aware they've already done this obviously? Someone posted a way to get revives and then kabam decided to change it so revives aren't consistently in the same spot.
This particular revive farm strategy is pretty much always in the game. It requires about as much effort as grinding arena.
I could 100% be wrong, mind you...but I would be surprised if Kabam reacts at all. At most I see them moving the revive to another chapter just to make the community look for it again. Just my opinion. 😶 We shall see.
Edit: if it doesn't get removed
You're not a hero, you're a dumbass
Y'all really think they don't have data on which story quests get run the most?
Also, 5.3.6 & 5.4.6 are better for farming if your roster can handle it.
P.S. Consequentialist ethics, particularly when used to judge in such a mundane matter are not just problematic, but rather rude.
BTW, I farmed over 10 revives from rerun EQ Heroic Act 3.2.
This is 1 per 70 energy if you’re lucky, I was testing last night and it doesn’t even reset the map if you go and beat up 4.3.6 venom (unless no revives spawned 5 times in a row for me of course, which again means you’re all being dramatic) so the only way (i know of) to reset that map to have a chance one spawns is to beat the map again, wasting 70 energy.
it can be when you can find them in early act content but for the most part arena is a better use of time. you get units, gold, bcs and shards.....
So they’ve either patched it already (unlikely) or it’s really not an OP way to farm revives and you can stop attacking the guy that posted it as it’s not efficient enough to warrant a change.