I saved up 2000 units before trying to get uncollected you don't even need 1/4 of it to get uncollected if you are good with your champs. My recommended team for your run would be:
Caiw, domino, Doom, stealthy, omega red. Imo It might be a good idea to max out Doom or stealthy as they are very very useful and helped my do 5.1.1-5.2.5 and corvus took care of 5.2.6 and I only used 5 revives on him for the collector. I'm not sure why you maxed out Thor rags though...... Could have spent those resources on stealthy who would be miles better for you
My recommended team for your run would be:
Caiw, domino, Doom, stealthy, omega red. Imo It might be a good idea to max out Doom or stealthy as they are very very useful and helped my do 5.1.1-5.2.5 and corvus took care of 5.2.6 and I only used 5 revives on him for the collector. I'm not sure why you maxed out Thor rags though...... Could have spent those resources on stealthy who would be miles better for you