6* trashes

After all of efforts and time i spent to play this game, kabam only gave me these trashee. Now i know, they only give good champs to those who spend real money. Maybe it's time to stop playing this game.


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  • SweetRedemptionSweetRedemption Member Posts: 7
    Keniutek said:

    Prepare for a lot of "it's all random" posts ;)
    Until the last few pulls, my 6* were pure GARBAGE. The less i play, the better 6* i get (doesn't work on 5*, last 20+ openings were beyond trash).
    Hang in there bud... or find a new game ;)

    I don't have any complain about 5* since it isn't too hard to collect its shards, but 6*...........
  • SweetRedemptionSweetRedemption Member Posts: 7

    Oof, but damn for a level 55 thats a lot of 6 stars...Im lv 53 and only have 2000 shards and no 6 stars!

    Most of it from duping 5*
  • SweetRedemptionSweetRedemption Member Posts: 7

    Level 55 and so many 6 stars? I smell $$$, and a LOT of it.

    I only bought collector's daily card once. Never use more $. Maybe thats why kabam gave me those trashes
  • GiulioV99GiulioV99 Member Posts: 98
    it's. completely. random.
    If you want an example, i was 100% free to play and i found Human Torch and Colossus as my first and third 6 stars (i spent my first money in the game last 4th July).
    Your roster just says that you have bad luck with 6 stars, and it s**ks, but probably you're doing better with 5 stars, and be sure that more crystal you open, more the chances of a great pull go up.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    I'm F2P and have a great 5* roster. No 6*s yet though. All things come with time. Eventually you will pull someone you want
  • SweetRedemptionSweetRedemption Member Posts: 7
    GiulioV99 said:

    it's. completely. random.
    If you want an example, i was 100% free to play and i found Human Torch and Colossus as my first and third 6 stars (i spent my first money in the game last 4th July).
    Your roster just says that you have bad luck with 6 stars, and it s**ks, but probably you're doing better with 5 stars, and be sure that more crystal you open, more the chances of a great pull go up.

    Yes, i have great 5* champs, thats why i didn't complain about 5*. Just got a really really really bad luck in 6*. All 7x6* r trashes is cruel.
  • dr_nish777dr_nish777 Member Posts: 313 ★★

    6* SIM=rage quit..
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Rap said:

    Hee hee! Again! "Compensation! Terrible RNG! Garbage champs! Unfair advantage! Not enough iso and gold!" And didn't you get the notice? Not allowed to complain about drops or anything else unless you are cavalier and in a gold, platinum or master alliance! Guys like you are just supposed to suck it up and shut up!

    Wrong, again. People can complain, the issue in the OP post is saying Kabam "gives good chanps to people who spend" which isn't true. People who spend have the same chances, just more chances than a person who doesn't spend.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    Spending doesn't help get better champs. I didn't get a 6* I wanted to take up to rank two until I had over 20 6* champs including several dupes. It has nothing to do with how much a person spends. Just hope that some of your champs get reworked in the near future.
  • jammasterpjammasterp Member Posts: 128
    edited July 2020
    Unfortunately, their RNG when it comes to the quality of champion drops isn't checked or regulated, so we'll never know whether it's truly random or manipulated. Maybe that will change in the future, but for now there's no verifiable transparency, just a lot of anecdotal info and observations and whatever Kabam tells us. Based on my own experience and from those in my alliance, it doesn't feel completely "random". For instance, I have 46 6* champs right now and I keep duping champs instead of pulling new ones. It "feels" like the number of unique 6* champs I'm pulling is being throttled and many others have said the same thing. Maybe Kabam doesn't want arenas to become too easy or maybe they just want to slow the roll of players so they aren't forced to release 7* champs sooner. And maybe it's totally random. It's all speculation until Kabam opens the kimono, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. I suppose it's fun to speculate in these forums though hehe...
  • jammasterpjammasterp Member Posts: 128
    Not sure what that means
  • edited July 2020
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  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020

    After all of efforts and time i spent to play this game, kabam only gave me these trashee. Now i know, they only give good champs to those who spend real money. Maybe it's time to stop playing this game.

    Level 55 and having 7 6*s (anyone it doesn’t matter), you should be thankful to Kabam instead of moaning. New players are really spoiled.
    I didn’t had a single 5* at level 55. I was already level 60 when I pulled my very first 5*.
    Whith what 7 6*s pulls you would be happy? Duped Aegon, Doom, Ghost, Colossus, Domino and Red Hulk? Even then you will probably be salty about the Red Hulk 🤔
    It’s the mentality problematic not the pulls. The pulls are exactly as intended 👍
    Nothing personal, but new players should be more reasonable 😉
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  • ImsoloImsolo Member Posts: 3
    First it was like my next six star will be good but after opening 5 6*it became casual to open a meme tier six star
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Some may argue that unawakened DocOc is not Bad. But he's to annoying to play for me.
    The next Best is Vision whom i purchased.
    At least Red skull gives a usable synergy for Doom
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  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    Not trying to be a jerk....but when 5*s hit I opened over 20 before I got a good champ...you have only opened 7 crystals...
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