6* trashes

After all of efforts and time i spent to play this game, kabam only gave me these trashee. Now i know, they only give good champs to those who spend real money. Maybe it's time to stop playing this game.

If you want an example, i was 100% free to play and i found Human Torch and Colossus as my first and third 6 stars (i spent my first money in the game last 4th July).
Your roster just says that you have bad luck with 6 stars, and it s**ks, but probably you're doing better with 5 stars, and be sure that more crystal you open, more the chances of a great pull go up.
6* SIM=rage quit..
Fortunately I can't agree with you.
I didn’t had a single 5* at level 55. I was already level 60 when I pulled my very first 5*.
Whith what 7 6*s pulls you would be happy? Duped Aegon, Doom, Ghost, Colossus, Domino and Red Hulk? Even then you will probably be salty about the Red Hulk 🤔
It’s the mentality problematic not the pulls. The pulls are exactly as intended 👍
Nothing personal, but new players should be more reasonable 😉
First it was like my next six star will be good but after opening 5 6*it became casual to open a meme tier six star
The next Best is Vision whom i purchased.
At least Red skull gives a usable synergy for Doom