Is Mojo worth taking up?

I've recently pulled a 5 star mojo and i have the materials to take him up to rank 4 and awaken him using a mystic awakening gem. I also have enough sig stones to take him up to sig level 160. I haven't heard too much on mojo and i did take a slight break from the game so I was wondering.
Currently i need to explore V3,V2,V1. as well as complete act 6.3 and 6.4. and I still have not completed LOL of AOL. and my other two best mystics are BWCV at R5 and Magik at R4.
I run suicides full time.
Is mojo a good character to use my materials on?
Currently i need to explore V3,V2,V1. as well as complete act 6.3 and 6.4. and I still have not completed LOL of AOL. and my other two best mystics are BWCV at R5 and Magik at R4.
I run suicides full time.
Is mojo a good character to use my materials on?
He won’t be the most suicide friendly but he’s not the worst either, it’s fine to only use the sp3 with him even if not ideal.