Kabam, can you tell us what you're doing to the AI please?



  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    I can confirm all issues pointed here. AI sometimes gets you no matter how far you are. I've NEVER hit any opponents in medium/larger distances. AI really can do marvelous things that we can't. And that damn microlags are happening in all fights, in all events and resumes our fights in hits in face and/or deaths. I'm playing last months always attempting to notice and trying to bypass this disadvantage someway. Practically impossible.
  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    edited September 2017
    It seems like every time AI will do some action, the game engine or some in-game app process causes these small freezes.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I have no problems with the AI
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    edited September 2017
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    IM/SIM have always had a window after L2 where they are untouchable, but if you are lucky, the second hit will connect before they counter/block.
    I've seen a lot of my champs whiffing their attacks while in the middle of a 5 hit combo.(basically MLLLM) seen it a while ago when I was using my 5* magik against a King groot in 5.3.
    Mister @Kabam Miike, has there been any other mentions of this whiffing aswell? It's been happening more for me lately.

    Same deal with all of my champs that use the Basic Female Fighting style (MM, Magik, SW, etc), they all have a chance to drop the 4th hit in a combo, which either results in just getting last hit blocked, or getting destroyed by a counter-attack. It started a little after 12.1, I think, and I keep hoping that subsequent patches will fix it.

    As for the tiny skips, I have also been getting this, ever since iOS 10.3, the worst update my phone has ever received (5c). It really made my game laggier, and it freezes after any alert, or after swapping apps, as well as crashes in menu screens where it never did that before. If not for an extensive iTunes library, I would try switching to Android, despite slower load times -.-
  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    Howard's L1 is not connecting with combos sometimes too.
  • TryakshaTryaksha Member Posts: 210
    After the update landing specials is a problem as well. The AIs block seems to have become perfect lol. Baiting specials has become near non existent. am facing more of game ending l3s..
  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    edited September 2017
    L3 is getting a **** when against some opponents that stops game registering any movement, except block position. You can't move while dont release and get a hit/combo/special after animation ends. It is happening with Unstoppable Colossus, Mordo and other various characters. I've noticed and and made a (very old now) post and this appears not investigated yet. Video proof below:


    I can't link this directly here as before.
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    Don't get too excited when a mod says they are "taking something to the team". Rough translation for that in my experience is "thanks for this concrete evidence. I'm gonna go file it away right here in the trash".
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    Don't get too excited when a mod says they are "taking something to the team". Rough translation for that in my experience is "thanks for this concrete evidence. I'm gonna go file it away right here in the trash".

    That is grossly unfair and inflammatory. The mods have a thankless role and don't make a fifth of what the devs earn. I have no doubt the mods forward all well-worded product suggestions to "the team," who are the ones who file it in the trash, so get your facts straight.
  • This content has been removed.
  • beaupoembeaupoem Member Posts: 443
    the AI has gotten so good at parrying, intercepting and evading it's not even funny anymore. i never rush in after a special anymore for fear of getting intercepted. it's gotten pretty ridiculous.
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    edited September 2017
    Don't get too excited when a mod says they are "taking something to the team". Rough translation for that in my experience is "thanks for this concrete evidence. I'm gonna go file it away right here in the trash".

    That is grossly unfair and inflammatory. The mods have a thankless role and don't make a fifth of what the devs earn. I have no doubt the mods forward all well-worded product suggestions to "the team," who are the ones who file it in the trash, so get your facts straight.

    Well I have submitted multiple bugs/issues and gotten this response, only to receive zero follow up for over 2 months.

    I understand your point that the dev team is to blame for the bugs and the lack of timely fixes. But the mods also have a tendency to give blanket responses and provide no follow-up support.

    I work in IT and I can guarantee you if I responded to all of my customers with "thanks for the info, I'll pass this on and let you know" and then never followed up again, my job would be at risk.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Member Posts: 724 ★★★★
    Hey folks - please keep the conversation constructive and on topic. Miike has advised that he is having someone investigate, and we are doing so. Once there is more information to share this thread will be updated, and we're sorry for any frustration you're experiencing for reported issues.
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    edited September 2017
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    Hey folks - please keep the conversation constructive and on topic. Miike has advised that he is having someone investigate, and we are doing so. Once there is more information to share this thread will be updated, and we're sorry for any frustration you're experiencing for reported issues.
    It's just the sorry doesn't cut it sometimes...
    the game is in a weird state right now Adora. Seeing this type of AI issue is just surprising and not surprising at the same time. Is there a way you guys could explain how this stuff happens? Like is that not allowed? I just don't see how stuff like this just happens Adora. :/
  • wSWeaponXwSWeaponX Member Posts: 366 ★★
    Im just waiting for someone to use this as an excuse for RDT
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Lmao same
  • ZabirZabir Member Posts: 76
    You're lucky that iron man just dodging back, not intercept you because you're late. Lol
  • BhageeraBhageera Member Posts: 10
    I believe there definitely have been changes to the AI and it is a huge step in the right-direction for the community. The AI should definitely be able to intercept if you leave a window open.

    Two noticeable changes with AI here are -

    a) When you dash back and are within the reach of AI, AI dashes forward and gets you. (Which is exactly the way it should behave, because we catch the AI dashing back when it is within our reach too)

    b) If you take more time than usual after evading AI's special attack, AI either dashes back or intercepts you. (Again exactly the way it should behave)

    And talking about Vision's footage, it is perfectly within the spirit of the game where AI denies doing a special occasionally. First things first you are not supposed to let Vision so close had you accounted for Synthesis without a power management champ. It is a risk you are willing to take and it won't pay off all the time.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    Bhageera wrote: »
    I believe there definitely have been changes to the AI and it is a huge step in the right-direction for the community. The AI should definitely be able to intercept if you leave a window open.

    Two noticeable changes with AI here are -

    a) When you dash back and are within the reach of AI, AI dashes forward and gets you. (Which is exactly the way it should behave, because we catch the AI dashing back when it is within our reach too)

    b) If you take more time than usual after evading AI's special attack, AI either dashes back or intercepts you. (Again exactly the way it should behave)

    And talking about Vision's footage, it is perfectly within the spirit of the game where AI denies doing a special occasionally. First things first you are not supposed to let Vision so close had you accounted for Synthesis without a power management champ. It is a risk you are willing to take and it won't pay off all the time.

    Yes, the AI should be more aggressive in hard content, but not in this way. Our complaints are around the fact that the AI is doing things impossible for us to do. They recover after 5-hit combos to block our immediate specials. They charge up and launch their heavy attack before the game lets us attack or evade. They trigger effects far more often than they should. They party is mid-combo. They hit us while we're dashing back, ignoring Dexterity masteries. And sometimes, at the start of the fight or when baiting a special, they refuse to drop their block until you do a heavy attack, then they hit you and do it again. That's why we're complaining. The AI has gotten harder to beat. That's fine. What's not fine is giving them the ability to do things we can't do.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    I saw these things a lot yesterday trying to complete Master mode. I used a ton of resources just to complete it. I won't even bother trying to 100% completion, even though I really need the rewards.

    It isn't happening all the time, but the bugs are still there. I do a 5-hit combo, and on the last hit, my champ just stops. I do an L3, and the AI recovers and clobbers me before my champ can hit or block again. I do a 5-hit combo or a dash back and block, and the block is too slow to prevent me from getting destroyed.

    I like the fact that the content is more difficult. The other modes are too easy. But the bugs and badly tuned AI recovery make it very frustrating. I am trying to improve my skills, but the game has these micro-lags that are holding me back. If I can't improve my roster with the rewards, then I am held back even more.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    We've not made any changes to the AI, can confirm this.
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    Hey folks - please keep the conversation constructive and on topic. Miike has advised that he is having someone investigate, and we are doing so. Once there is more information to share this thread will be updated, and we're sorry for any frustration you're experiencing for reported issues.

  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    HOW THE HELL DOES A BUG LIKE THIS HAPPEN? Bug my ass, the only logical reason is if they were doing something to the ai and that's it. Stop bs-ing us.
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