A great feeling of satisfaction. Got rekt several times, but that allowed me to find a champ that was best fit for my playstyle against this specific set of opponents. Haven't used the shards yet, saving for the new crystals.
Did Master and all difficultys below, no item use. Had to use some revives on Epic though. 4* Black Bolt from the Legendary (4-5*) Used the 5* shards to go for a single 5* featured, pulled a Hyperion which helped me get past 6.2 Sinister after being stuck for months. I'm happy.
(I didn't take a screenshot shot of her at R1, but I did get her from the boss rush.)
At least I have Red Guardian, haha... So when's that Rhino buff coming guys?
Pulled my millionth tech 4* dupe from 4* crystal
And 4* BWCV from legendary
So I spun a featured
Pulled terrax
I hate myself
4* Black Bolt from the Legendary (4-5*)
Used the 5* shards to go for a single 5* featured, pulled a Hyperion which helped me get past 6.2 Sinister after being stuck for months. I'm happy.
I pulled this bad boy and his wife back to back