I really don’t like prolonged path personally. 6 per round is just right. I’m hesitated if I have to fight 25 at once. Hope it is not and just 5 paths within one Omega only.
I really don’t like prolonged path personally. 6 per round is just right. I’m hesitated if I have to fight 25 at once. Hope it is not and just 5 paths within one Omega only.
It’s actually 31 fights in a row and it’s all one path
I really don’t like prolonged path personally. 6 per round is just right. I’m hesitated if I have to fight 25 at once. Hope it is not and just 5 paths within one Omega only.
It could be worse it could be like the champion clash we had a few years ago where it was the same 6 champs like 5 times or something
[Edit] It will kinda force us to use diverse champions to counter all the champs plus the nodes So a diverse team of Quake Quake ghost Ghost and a filler champ Might be useful
It won’t look like LoL and certainly not anything like AoL. I’ll be surprised if the healthpools are anywhere near RoL. The attack values will likely be around whatever they were this time (10K? I didn’t check) and the healthpools will probably be somewhere in the ballpark of 120-150K. Miike said that each boss would be around the level of a UC EQ final boss so it shouldn’t be too bad. I imagine Ægon will wreck it.
It won’t look like LoL and certainly not anything like AoL. I’ll be surprised if the healthpools are anywhere near RoL. The attack values will likely be around whatever they were this time (10K? I didn’t check) and the healthpools will probably be somewhere in the ballpark of 120-150K. Miike said that each boss would be around the level of a UC EQ final boss so it shouldn’t be too bad. I imagine Ægon will wreck it.
I'm not going to even attempt week two knowing that HT is in there who knows any incinerate immune champions
Edit: I just realized that the week champions are all with the people that came in the updates like for example: HT Annihilus, Nick Fury Captain Marvel, Longshot MOJO, ect.
So No quake. No Omega Completion... Im Literally thinking of 1 team to counter all 31opponents. Void worked well first week. There are some champs he can counter again. 6* Doom Will do Annhilus and Aarkus. Omega Maybe to degen then down? CMM good Bursting them down. Maybe KM then or Sparky but idk. That Mojo gonna be a pain i can see it
the Nodes on that torch were a bit restrictive from memory. Maybe had limber and you couldn’t bleed, incinerate or use energy damage or you got smoked.
So No quake. No Omega Completion... Im Literally thinking of 1 team to counter all 31opponents. Void worked well first week. There are some champs he can counter again. 6* Doom Will do Annhilus and Aarkus. Omega Maybe to degen then down? CMM good Bursting them down. Maybe KM then or Sparky but idk. That Mojo gonna be a pain i can see it
Well for this week alone, Havok countered all the bosses. My team for the Omega Boss Rush is probably gonna be Sym, Havok, Psylocke, Ægon, and Fury.
I'm not going to even attempt week two knowing that HT is in there who knows any incinerate immune champions
Edit: I just realized that the week champions are all with the people that came in the updates like for example: HT Annihilus, Nick Fury Captain Marvel, Longshot MOJO, ect.
Never say never. Tutorial vis and forum advice will be available when the week 2 boss rush is launched. As judging from the rewards from epic, it definitely worth a trial.
I don't know who the majority of my team will be, but I guarentee you I will bring Deadpool X-Force and Nick Fury. A chunky heal every single fight? Ofc I'm bagging that.
I'm not going to even attempt week two knowing that HT is in there who knows any incinerate immune champions
Edit: I just realized that the week champions are all with the people that came in the updates like for example: HT Annihilus, Nick Fury Captain Marvel, Longshot MOJO, ect.
Iceman colossus void mephisto torch vulture sunspot BWCV Emma Frost (in diamond form) annihilus ghost(removes debuff when phasing)
It will kinda force us to use diverse champions to counter all the champs plus the nodes
So a diverse team of
Ghost and a filler champ Might be useful
Edit: I just realized that the week champions are all with the people that came in the updates like for example: HT Annihilus, Nick Fury Captain Marvel, Longshot MOJO, ect.
Mephisto (gains power instead of Damage)
Ghost will shrug it
There are solid options
Might sub Aegonnfor Warlock or Ghost
Edit: Didn’t mean to post twice