Love using them both. Maintaining Sunspot’s charges during a long fight can be difficult; Havok doesn’t seem to have long fights . Who would you choose?
Go for Havok. he doesn't need you to do anything to any rotation to access his damage, just wait till you get to 10 charges, and go for sp3 or you can speed it up with sp1. He's easier and the plasma charges can still do damage in nodes where you can't gain power especially since they're becoming more common
Ended up going Havok; I just have an easier time using him in longer fights. Sunspot’ll get there too eventually
Havok is a solid choice and you can never get tired of the damage of his sp3. A little advice: Never use him against awakened Og Daredevil. Since his hits don't make contact they're interpreted as projectiles which means he'll evade everything except you sp3
Ended up going Havok; I just have an easier time using him in longer fights. Sunspot’ll get there too eventually
Havok is a solid choice and you can never get tired of the damage of his sp3. A little advice: Never use him against awakened Og Daredevil. Since his hits don't make contact they're interpreted as projectiles which means he'll evade everything except you sp3
Yeah, I figured that out with Domino too; her non-contact hits can be evaded too, but not as often because of her AAR.
Ended up going Havok; I just have an easier time using him in longer fights. Sunspot’ll get there too eventually
Havok is a solid choice and you can never get tired of the damage of his sp3. A little advice: Never use him against awakened Og Daredevil. Since his hits don't make contact they're interpreted as projectiles which means he'll evade everything except you sp3
Yeah, I figured that out with Domino too; her non-contact hits can be evaded too, but not as often because of her AAR.
At least she has contact hits. the first time I faced an Og Daredevil with Havok in arenas, I nearly cried. I was lucky I got to sp3 before him.
I hate it.
A little advice: Never use him against awakened Og Daredevil. Since his hits don't make contact they're interpreted as projectiles which means he'll evade everything except you sp3