Would Longshot be worth a Mystic AG?

I don’t have him yet but I am trying to make plans for the future and I’m unsure, if I did get Longshot would he be worth a Mystic AG? It seems like a good ability to have but how useful is it in reality?
Edit: this is for a 5* ofc
Edit: this is for a 5* ofc
The chance to nullify buffs without doing anything and replace with Bad karma, seems a great ability to have.
Let's say the opponent triggers Unstoppable and you nullify it without doing anything and also places one on you.... Same for Unblockable buff....
But you need to bring him at high sig or maybe max.
He is worth it imo.
Of course its signature can help him to nullify buff (Like Dr Strange ability) and speed the process of bringing bad karma but is not vital.
There are other Mystics champions that will greatly benefit from your awakening gem : Dr Voodoo, Magik, Dr Doom, Dr Strange for example.