Easter Eggs in MCOC?

SplamBorginSplamBorgin Member Posts: 211
I'm sure there are Easter Eggs in MCOC because i accidentally found one. I was casually fighting Havoc using Cyclops and was shocked when Havoc's SP3 did 0 damage to my Cyclops and neither did my energy attacks hurt him. Did some research and found out Cyclops and Havoc are brothers and can absorb each other's energy, hence KABAM made it so that they don't take energy damage from one another.
I could just watch YouTube or research on Google to find all Easter Eggs in MCOC but being a part of this fanbase, learning by interacting with it is what I'd prefer. I might get to hear your personal stories on how you came across other Easter Eggs or get to read a few jokes. I'm new to the website and would certainly love to have my doubts cleared and my curiosity explained by the fanbase.

Aware of any Easter Eggs and why they were added into MCOC? Please let me know! :P


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,644 ★★★★★

    Squirrel girls says "you look like war machine in a hoodie" to Doom. Sasquatch says "Sorry about that bud" after Wrath of Tanaraq ends. Korgs says "Piss off Ghost" when she phases. Mole Man pokes his pet (sorry I forgot his name) to try and wake him up when he is stunned. These are some I can remember right now. There is an entire thread with a lot more like @ItsDamien said.

    Iirc it's Gwenpool who says it to Doom, not Squirrel Girl
  • BeekeeperBeekeeper Member Posts: 81

    If you finish a fight with Gwenpool in block stance (with bleed/incinerate as the last tick of damage) she holds her Grandmaster teddy during the animation

    I tried this and it didn't work. I a uploaded video take a look
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