Who to use 4* generic rank up gem on?

Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,953 ★★★★★
I’ve posted a discussion on this before but I also wanted to post a poll to get more opinions before making a final decision. I got a 4* awakening gem by exploring act 4 and need to decide who I’m going to use it on. I’ve narrowed it down, with great help from all of you, to archangel, doctor voodoo, and Medusa who are all 4/40s. The reason I haven’t used it on AA yet even though most people have said to use it on him is that I already have omega red as a 5/50 awakened 4* so I have no mutant sig stones to use on archangel. Doctor voodoo also seems like a good choice and I’d like to point out I also have a symbiote surpreme who I like using too. Lastly Medusa is in the running because I enjoy playing her and for the majority of exploring act 4 have taken her on my team above the other two. Sorry this has been so long. Last note everyone I have mentioned so far other than omega red is a 4/40 4*. Thanks, your votes really help.

Who to use 4* generic rank up gem on? 9 votes

Awaken archangel even though you already have a duped 5/50 omega red
QacobEtjamaThicco_ModeSuperiorSymbioteHagureMeijin 5 votes
Awaken doctor voodoo
Kill_Grey 1 vote
Awaken medusa
manveertherealCiciliatoSAFI_K 3 votes


  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Awaken archangel even though you already have a duped 5/50 omega red
    he doesn't need sigs
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    Awaken medusa
    AA not medusa
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