Got my first six star !!!

And he sucks
Are there any redeeming qualities if Yondou that I am not aware of?

But on the bright side to celebrate my first 6 star I also opened a four star and a five star and I got lucky with my five

But on the bright side to celebrate my first 6 star I also opened a four star and a five star and I got lucky with my five

He has bleed debuffs on his Yaka arrow attacks (if they are bleed immune he applies armor break instead)
He also steals armor up buffs if enemy has them.
Quite a long healblock on sp1, it's duration doubles if enemy has regeneration buff.
Sp2 does more damage the more specials the enemy has thrown.
Congrats on the CMM. She's a beast
Fun champ, relatively simple and easy to use, extremely effective where healing is a problem, sabretooth for example or aggression regeneration.
Arrow attacks:
-Second and fourth light attacks
-First hit on heavy attack
-First and third hit on sp1
-First hit on sp2
These are all classed as projectiles and cannot be stunned by a parry (Champs like proxima still can)
They have a 25% chance to inflict bleed each time you land one of these hits. If the opponent is immune to bleed, you instead inflict armour break. Both ways can get some good damage in.
His bleeds will stack, with deep wounds your damage over time should increase quite nicely. To help you get more bleeds, use heavy attacks and sp1. Heavy attacks increase your ability accuracy by 50%. That means your first heavy hit has a 37.5% chance to bleed. Sp1 increase your ability accuracy by 100% giving the two arrow attacks a 50% chance to bleed on each hit. Armour break works in the same way as bleed and will remove an armour up each time you inflict it. Both bleed and armour break can be inflicted through blocks and he also has increased block penetration as well as the ability to get critical hits through a block.
All of his attacks have a 25% chance to steal armour from his opponent. You then have their armour up and your damage increases since they no longer have it. You do not get units from this ability.
Yondu is perfect for anything that can regen. His sp1 has a 100% chance to inflict heal block for 10 seconds. If the opponent has an ACTIVE regeneration BUFF when this attack lands, the time is extended to 20 seconds. This makes him really useful for a lot of EQ bosses that have lots of healing nodes, like the recent deadpool in the Valentine’s Day event.
Sp2 has the highest raw damage of the 3 specials. This should be used when you are able to stack armour break as it can get quite powerful if the opponent has used a lot of specials in that fight.
Sp3 isn’t particularly useful but can occasionally come in handy. You get an increased crit rating for 10 seconds and the opponent can’t trigger abilities on their next special attack. Usually not worth using since the other 2 specials are just more valuable.
His signature might sound bad, but it actually has some indirect benefits. The weakness can make quite a difference actually, if you want to block with a few stacks on you’ll take very little damage. Can also be helpful if you’re hit by a hard to evade special. The number of weakness debuffs will be equal to the number of debuffs active on the opponent at the time they use their special. The weakness is inflicted the moment they use it which means it will be active when the attack hits you. Since these are debuffs, they reduce power gain in the opponent, 10% per debuff of any type up to a max of 50%. Includes, weakness, bleed, armour break, parry stun and anything from suicide masteries or nodes. This power gain reduction is part of his base kit and you don’t need to awaken him to make use of it. The sig just makes it much easier to keep it at that 50%.
I used to like him a lot, don’t have him at a high enough rank to make use of him now but in my opinion he’s still a decent champion to have. I wouldn’t mind a 6* Yondu at all, a good first pull in my opinion.
He’s mainly known for his crystal openings and tier lists. The problem with his tier list is people take it so literally and if it’s not God tier or above their disappointed and base all of their rank ups on the tier list, which isn’t a good mentality to have.
As for the pull, he’s your first six star, so he should still put in a fair amount of work. He has heal block, (which is always nice), can bleed through block, and isn’t as bad as you think. He doesn’t suck compared to other champs like Karnak, Iron Fist, or Cyclops, but he’s not a god tier like Ghost or Warlock. He’s decent, so all in all I’d say 6.5 out of 10 for the pull.
Seatin evolves from Kabam John and evolves into Seatinmol