Make all 6 star crystals nexus crystals

We have all experienced the frustration of working long and hard to finally accrue enough 6 star shards To form a crystal only to get a useless champ. I.E. just pulled groot. Before that, ant man, sentry, diablo and elektra. I don’t know anyone who feels its not disheartening.
It would be better if they just made all 6 star crystals nexus crystals, where you at least get a choice. Kabam mike, please do us right!
It would be better if they just made all 6 star crystals nexus crystals, where you at least get a choice. Kabam mike, please do us right!
This runs counter to how many players think. They think since 6* champs are harder to get, every single one should be much better than in the case of 5* champs where you can get them easier. But that's simply not how games like this work. If you're getting 6* champions very slowly, such that you're so invested in what pops out of that drop it is extremely disappointing if you don't get what you want, then that simply means you're at a progression point where you're supposed to be focusing on 5* champs.
Everyone wants to skip to the end, if we all didn't want to skip to the end then the game probably wouldn't be worth playing at all. But the game isn't going to let you, because if it did people would get bored with the game too quickly.
So long as champion acquisition is random, and it always will be, you have to be able to roll with pulls that were not your top choices. Or, to head off the inevitable counter, you have to be able to roll with pulls that were your absolute last choice. Because when champion acquisition is random, randomness inevitable generates those kinds of results sometimes. If you can't, this game will grind you down.