I have a confession to make...

Silentdoom09Silentdoom09 Member Posts: 85
When I first pulled Domino as a 5*, I was ecstatic. I already had a 5* Red Hulk and a 4* Masacre, and I was ready to burn through content (literally). The fearsome Flame Trinity led the way through my Act 5 exploration and earned Elder’s Bane for me. Then came the push to Cavalier, where my Masacre was useless. The band had to be broken up. Suddenly, I was blessed with a duped 5* Stealthy and a 5* Guilly 2099, and my MCOC world changed. Now, my heart breaks as I move beyond the nostalgic days of laughing hysterically while parry/heavy incinerates melt my opponents.

TL;DR, I’ve been forced to move beyond my favorite synergy team and I’m sad about it. Have any of you experienced the same?


  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    Domino was my favorite champ for a long time. Have had her at r5 since i pulled her from a cav crystal. Since I have pulled and duped the 6*. I have no plans of ranking her up. I've gotten to the point where I can't really justify champs that need multiple synergies to reach their potential. I know she would be a good r3 6*, just can't justify her anymore.
  • Silentdoom09Silentdoom09 Member Posts: 85
    edited August 2020
    Nablock said:

    Blade/GR/Sparky carried me through a lot, but I don’t use them very often anymore.

    I just pulled a 6* Dormammu and FINALLY took my 5* Blade to R3; are you saying to quit while I’m ahead? :D
  • Silentdoom09Silentdoom09 Member Posts: 85
    Raganator said:

    Domino was my favorite champ for a long time. Have had her at r5 since i pulled her from a cav crystal. Since I have pulled and duped the 6*. I have no plans of ranking her up. I've gotten to the point where I can't really justify champs that need multiple synergies to reach their potential. I know she would be a good r3 6*, just can't justify her anymore.

    I do still have Domino on my A-Team since she is one of only three R5s that I have, but I’m learning more how to use her as a stand-alone champ without her synergies. She’s still a beast!
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    I never did trinities. or any synergy team for that matter.
  • Silentdoom09Silentdoom09 Member Posts: 85

    I never did trinities. or any synergy team for that matter.

    After waiting so long for a 5* or 6* Masacre, I can see why. I’m not ranking champs based on synergies I MIGHT pull in the future, that’s for sure!
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Angela+Hela+Gulk was my go-to Trinity for a while... unfortunately, gulk and Hela are only 4*s, and as I got newer, better champs and had acts 1-5 explored, I had no more use for them.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    Way back when before 12.0 I had a maxed 4* Ultron I used for everything. Then the rank down tickets came and I took down Ultron to rank up Starlord. :(
  • Silentdoom09Silentdoom09 Member Posts: 85

    Angela+Hela+Gulk was my go-to Trinity for a while... unfortunately, gulk and Hela are only 4*s, and as I got newer, better champs and had acts 1-5 explored, I had no more use for them.

    I’m still waiting for a 5* Heimdall so my Angela has some use on all the Caustic Temper nonsense that keeps showing up...
  • Silentdoom09Silentdoom09 Member Posts: 85
    H3t3r said:

    Way back when before 12.0 I had a maxed 4* Ultron I used for everything. Then the rank down tickets came and I took down Ultron to rank up Starlord. :(

    I am ashamed to admit that I had and, unthinkably, eventually sold, a 4* Cap WWII that led the charge against AQ Dormammu boss back in the day. I regret that every day :'(
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    My baby account has 5* Dom and Rulk maxed. They go everywhere. I throw in 4* masacre when I don't think I'll need to utilize all five Champs. But I'm still working on exploring act 5 and tend to go through UC just fine.

    I have an R2 6* domino in my main and just pulled 5* rulk a couple weeks ago. I think her heavy without incinerate is just lackluster, and I've been dropping CapIW for Rulk lately to make her more useful. Add in spot and warlock, and she gets even better.
  • Silentdoom09Silentdoom09 Member Posts: 85
    crogs said:

    My baby account has 5* Dom and Rulk maxed. They go everywhere. I throw in 4* masacre when I don't think I'll need to utilize all five Champs. But I'm still working on exploring act 5 and tend to go through UC just fine.

    I have an R2 6* domino in my main and just pulled 5* rulk a couple weeks ago. I think her heavy without incinerate is just lackluster, and I've been dropping CapIW for Rulk lately to make her more useful. Add in spot and warlock, and she gets even better.

    I believe it. I use her for her bleed now that I don’t use her trinity anymore, and she is still great at blasting through most things. My new philosophy is to play champs without synergies unless I actively enjoy using all the synergy members or I need a specific synergy to get past some kind of nonsense node.
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