Hyperion aka superman before Direct TV is OP

I'm not one for nerfing champs, but Hyperion seriously needs his power gain taken down a few notches. Like he's seriously unbeatable when you run into him on arena or any other game mode when you're not prepared to fight him with power drain champs. He literally sits there with his arms folded doing absolutely nothing until he gets S3. Like are you kidding me? You nerf all of the greats but add him and Mordo? Just throw in Hercules next why don't cha. Make sure he's indestructible, unstoppable, regenerates, attack is 2000 at rank 3/30 (without masteries lol), and critical with every hit since we're adding OP characters. But seriously Hyperion needs a nerf. Sorry not sorry.
I regularly beat him at 100% life. Rarely do to him.. but you know that's not the point right. We suck vs certain champs so they must be nerfed!
But I don't want to see him nerfed, and I don't even have him. Buff other champs, don't nerf current ones. Okay, I lied, nerf Dormammu's particle effects
Hyp feeds MD like crazy
Magjik: nullify, power lock + 5% more damage from buff
Doc: fate seal
Sw: nullify powerlock
OG vision: power burn
Vision: power burn
Nebula: powerlock
Hood: stagger, power steal
Voodoo: power drain
WS: sporadic power drain
Yondu: decreases power by -50%
Gp: powerlock
CW: power drain
I could keep going, but hell we as a community are apparently so puzzled and distraught with hyp that he needs to be nerfed because he too difficult??? It's embarrassing.... 2 things folks: Skills and strategy. All you need to get past hyp. And yes I'm in a 11M+ alliance and yes I fight tier 1 expert in AW with a 2400+ Rating and yes I fought hyp as the top mini and was so excited it wasn't dorm or Magjik!!!