Switching Apple ID's and Devices

After reading some messages I'm a little concerned.
This week I will be getting an Ipad and no longer using my Iphone. I will also be using a new apple ID. I have a kabam account I am always signed in with when I play. Can i simply install the game on my new Ipad, sign in with my kabam account and will have all my champions and progress as I normally do? Or will it be an issue using a new apple id on my new device? I have read some issues with the game being linked to the apple game center.
I did read this but am not completely understanding if it answers my issue.
http://kabam.force.com/PKB/articles/en_US/FAQ/Account-transfer-between-devices?retURL=/PKB/apex/kbsearch&popup=false&issue=All&game=a0Za0000013VnVqEAK&searchstring=&language=en_US&articletitle=Account transfer between devices
This week I will be getting an Ipad and no longer using my Iphone. I will also be using a new apple ID. I have a kabam account I am always signed in with when I play. Can i simply install the game on my new Ipad, sign in with my kabam account and will have all my champions and progress as I normally do? Or will it be an issue using a new apple id on my new device? I have read some issues with the game being linked to the apple game center.
I did read this but am not completely understanding if it answers my issue.
http://kabam.force.com/PKB/articles/en_US/FAQ/Account-transfer-between-devices?retURL=/PKB/apex/kbsearch&popup=false&issue=All&game=a0Za0000013VnVqEAK&searchstring=&language=en_US&articletitle=Account transfer between devices
That's how people play multiple accounts on 1 device
Keep in mind, using a new Apple ID will not allow you to see your Apple Purchase History for when you initially installed the game originally (normally means when you made your first game account) or your in-game Purchase amounts/dates.
So you may want to save off that Game Purchase History info from your old phone before you stop using it and switch to iPad.
**note, History would not be an issue if you were keeping same Apple ID for new device.