Give some old champs certain immunities!(As in, how does Iceman take frostbite damage)

Ghostrider should have Incinerate, Coldsnap, Frosbite Immunities. He didn't because he was an old character, but warlock has this and more while ghostrider literally made of hellfire, can catch fire from Gwenpool's gun. At the time maybe it was OP to give ghostrider these immunities, but he's getting real old.
Iceman should have coldsnap immunity! How can someone freeze ice to be what more frozen? That makes no sense.
Dormammu already has the Mephisto synergy for energy resistance but really should have like 100% resistance to incinerate or something. He's pure energy! Fire can't burn pure energy.
There might be others, but these are just the ones that really bugged me for a very long time. And 4 years ago, sure, ghostrider with triple immunities wouldv been busted, but its 2020!
Iceman and Ghostrider and Dormammu already lack damage or flashy abilities. Least they can get are fire/ice immunities(Also giving them some more damage wouldn't be bad, but that's for another day)
Iceman should have coldsnap immunity! How can someone freeze ice to be what more frozen? That makes no sense.
Dormammu already has the Mephisto synergy for energy resistance but really should have like 100% resistance to incinerate or something. He's pure energy! Fire can't burn pure energy.
There might be others, but these are just the ones that really bugged me for a very long time. And 4 years ago, sure, ghostrider with triple immunities wouldv been busted, but its 2020!
Iceman and Ghostrider and Dormammu already lack damage or flashy abilities. Least they can get are fire/ice immunities(Also giving them some more damage wouldn't be bad, but that's for another day)