Storm is WAY Underrated

Seatin currently has storm in the 2nd worse tier, but I think she may be the most underrated champ in the game. When awakened, her specials are way more powerful when the opponent has lots of power. I was testing her out; and an awakened 4/40 can do 17,000 damage on a SP2. When she’s unawakened, she’s terrible; but when awakened, I think she could be a Demi-god tier champ.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
It's a wild risk for an alright return. Not very good.
There are alot of champs in game that are actually better than thought BUT require alot of investments to show that. Storm is in this category for me. A R5/56 HIGhH sig Storm will do ALOT of damage even without crits but who the hell is gonna invest in her that way? No one really to show her off like that.
If you look at my profile you'll see I have a R5 sig 200 OG Captain America cuz after a certain amount of health is lost in fights, he'll stop taking block damage (goes up to just about 92% perfect block chance and I have the 4% PB mastery for Willpower so it's 96% and with a Winter Solider that's 100% PB at low health). I have a fight ve Pre-nerfed Champion and make it looks like a joke fight since Cap doesn't take any block damage in the last 10%. But again, who the hell is gonna invest in OG Cap like that? Well just me. I know what 100% block is and it's nice, now his damage is an issue but I'll take my time when most fights I can't die on.
A few other champs in this "needs ALOT of investment" category to shine. Not just ranks of sigs but playstyle or synergies or whatever else. Champs like:
King Groot: High sig means super regen
OG Guilly: Synergies make her great and her SP3 without a damage cap can do 100% damage to anything
OG Hulk: High sig and low health in something like AQ goes well together. My 4 star Hulk back when Dorm was the boss used to one shot him on lower health.
Mephisto: Synergies make his aura do some nice damage at higher ranks
Miles: He can evade all attacks no matter what (cept True Strike and the like) over 14 or so of his charges, the effect stacks (as in each charge adds +7% so at 10 charges he has 70% and at 20% he'll have 140%, etc) up to 100% evade chance so over 14 or so he'll evade any attack 100% of the time.
Ronan: I have a R4 sig 120 Ronan and with just 2-3 buffs on the enemy I can 100% stun lock them with a power gain synergy or two. At sig 200 and R5 I have a theory that even with only 1 buff on the enemy and some power gain synergies, he'll be able to 100% stun lock enemies.
There are more champs with unique uses also. Are these champs Doom, Ghost or Quake level? Hell no but they get discounted alot of the time as having no or not any good use. Swedeah L is a good example of someone who can push bad champs to there max and show what they can do. Am I saying you should rank bad champs over better ones? No, but if you like a champ, playing this GAME for fun is better than playing just to win or whatever else as you know, it's a game we play to escape like and to enjoy.
At the moment, her usage requirements to dish out high damage is counteracted by opponents going to an sp3.
So give her some utility eg Shock / Cold Snap / Incinerate immunity.
Then add 100% stun chance for sp2, then add a power drain effect for sp1 when opponents are at max power.
So her rotation can be along the lines of sp2 (defenders get stunned), then 2 combos, sp1 to drain.