Summoner Showdown Calculations
So how does a higher DPS get 4th? Not certain if this is right but just by reading those stats the player in 4th in this image should be in third.
Doesn't give much confidence that the rankings are properly worked out.
Discounting some variation for the ending kill-shot (whether the damage includes what that hit would have done, vs just including the actual amount of damage needed to get opponent down to 0), which may indeed be what contributed to the picture.
The rest should indeed be just total damage / time. Assuming Surfer has no way of Regen'ing during the fight (which would then increase the amount of total damage that was done).
So even if you did some super-mega hit in the middle of fight that took off 99% of his health, and just danced around for 3 minutes before that, and another 3 minutes after that, without doing any hits, until final regular damage kill blow, the DPS should be the same as if your hits were spaced out across that same amount of time.
But then again I don't know what sort of way they're measuring it. If they were simply doing Health of SS/seconds, then yes it would lead to exactly the same DPS, but if it were more real time metric, the higher the damage output before the end would skew the numbers a little, so say if you were at 3800 dps consistently, then the past 10% you went HAM and pushed out 4100 dps, the number would be closer to the 4000 mark than the 3900 mark of an average.
Man it's really hard to explain what I mean without showing it though...
1) you lose dps starting with a parry open with a light attack combo.
2) slow on the First armor shatter, you had extra power hat you didn’t need to reach your s3.
3) pay attention to his power state when launching your s3 as you can hit him with light attacks just after it ends to boost your dps while landing more bleeds.
4) I’m not sure how much more dps this would give you but maxing dex gives you large boost to your crit rating up to mid 40s rather than high 20s. Too me that means you’ll land more bleeds which is where your dps is at.
5) if you have the hp to spare, you block the end of his s1 to immediately land light attacks.
6) when he throws his s1 I think you can shave time by running in before he does his dip/last hit, this closes the gap which prolly shaves time for each one he throws.