Who are your 3 Favorite Power Control Champs (and one you'd like to see buffed)

At this point in the game there are several champs which are known for their ability to #powercontrol. Which are your top 3 favorite in the game right now. I'm specifically referring to their ability to power control. Who are your go to when you need to stop your opponent from gaining power?
My top 3 would be:
Majik, Hawk Eye, & Red Skull for my top 3, and I'd love to see Psyloke get a buff.
My top 3 would be:
Majik, Hawk Eye, & Red Skull for my top 3, and I'd love to see Psyloke get a buff.
Hawkeye should be able to choose which debuff he wants to come out from his arrows in a pre-fight ability
voodoo for anything where they don't gain extra power through something like a power gain effect
Doc Oc
Give a small buff/tweak to Vision
Notable mention: Spidergwen
I would like dormmamu to get more dmg on normal hits.
Psylocke needs a buff
One that needs a buff would be Civil Warrior for me!
Oddly enough, they are all tech class!!! Lol
I really hope they buff Psylocke as I love using her.
Buff Red Skull though!
Domino is here cause in your average fight she will kill them before they get power lol
I saw hulkbuster was not on here so he is kinda "underrated" for power control
Hawkeye would be on this list, but for some unknown stupid reason, his power drain is treated as a debuff.
Buff CW
HM for the buff: Psylocke
Seriously tho, doc ock is the key to almost all hyperions. Was surprised noone mentioned him yet.