What is your simple tweak to take a champ from zero to hero?

Doesn’t have to be a meme tier champ, just a simple change to an under appreciated champ that would make them significantly better, but not broken.
For example, Invisible Woman gains 2% attack and power rate per vulnerability on the opponent (max 50 stacks). It would still be difficult to build and maintain, but once you’re there, you’re slapping enemies into next week.
Have fun with it!
For example, Invisible Woman gains 2% attack and power rate per vulnerability on the opponent (max 50 stacks). It would still be difficult to build and maintain, but once you’re there, you’re slapping enemies into next week.
Have fun with it!
Critical hits have a 50% chance to inflict a taunt debuff on the opponent, increasing the opponent's chance to activate a special attack by 70%. If the opponent launches a special attack when power sting and taunt are both on the opponent, it does 200% more damage.
Special attacks are guaranteed to be critical hits
Launching a heavy attack when the opponent is stunned grants a passive fury, increasing attack by 150% (Similar to Colossus)
Medium attacks ignore passive damage (Like Omega Red's tentacles)
Add a persistent charge through his sig ability
- There is a "x%" to "x%" chance for Civil Warrior to transfer his passive armor ups to the next fight
Each armor up buff increases attack rating by 7%
Each passive armor up increases attack rating by 15%
If a passive armor up is active, heal block duration is doubled
Makes him better all around, great against Cosmic’s but not too OP against every class
Increase her damage
1.005 times every time it cycles ?
So then:
New Aegon/Sentry synergy: Gives Sentry the chance to stack up to 7-8 or even 10 Reality warps instead of 5.
New Champion/Sentry synergy: Sentry has no health penalty in transferring Reality warps fight to fight.
Jane Foster: Special Attacks give a permanent passive fury increasing attack by 30%. It can stack.
Cyclops - Inflicts a mega armor break and incinerate debuff with his special 3. He can then stack more Debuffs with his heavy attacks and Special attacks
Hulk - Regenerates up to 70% of his health at 20% once per fight.
Rhino - Medium Horn Dash inflicts a bleed debuff that can stack (similar to Nick Fury’s bleed debuffs)
King Groot - Simple: make his furies and regeneration buffs more potent.
Rocket - His technology allows him to evade any combo (can only endure multiple hits on Special attacks).
Groot - Allow him to have an indestructible phase every 30 seconds lasting for 5 seconds. During that time, he is unblockable, unstoppable, and his damage increases by 150%.
Every time he applies an armor break, he has a 10% chance to apply an armor shatter. He also gains 1 fury buff lasting 15 seconds every time he applied an armor break (max 20 stacks)
King Groot - his furies become permanent, like Sabertooth
Loki - gain a fury for every 10 hits on e combo meter, max of 3 stacks. If 3 stacks are achieved, a permanent fury buff is granted
Rocket - add an evade counter charge at 5 to start each fight
Thor Rag - increase attack by 10% for each 10 hits on combo meter
Maybe 1% instead of .5%