Halls of healing
Halls of healing says you have 3 entries, but I went in twice, ran through and was then locked out. After only 2 paths. So it’s impossible to 100% to get the rewards. Did this happen to anyone else?
why limit the entries anyway? Just limit the rewards. After you get 100% you can enter 1000 more times if you want you just don't get anything else for your "effort". I need the revives from 100% a hell of a lot more than I need the potions from completion. Oh, I guess I just figured out why entries are limited...
It's not like it's a hard quest where people would back out cause they have to try again.
Did any of your start and then quit out of the quest? That would cause this to occur, and is intentional, but if you completed it without quitting and had this issue, please let us know.