That’s 1 out of 25 chance of happening. 4% isn’t that crazy, especially considering PHCs back in the day had a 2% chance for a 4* and I’ve gotten 2 in a row at least once (that’s 0.04%). It’s 100x more likely to get 2 5* from legendaries than it is 2 4* from old PHC.
Guys I meant record in legendary crystal history not mcoc crystal history lol
Lol you're not even close. Even if we're just talking about legendary crystals. I've gotten back to back five stars from legendary crystals too, doesn't mean it's a new record.
Pulled 5* AA, Hawkeye and 4* Miss Marvel from 3 legendary crystal. It's easy to consistently pull 5* out of those, getting a good one might be hard though. Besides AA, all my 5* legendary pulls have been trash
This happened to me to, I had basically given up on legendarys after opening over 20 and only getting 4*s, then bam 5* og cap marvel, not great but it’s a 5*. That was immediately followed by 5* domino. I was so hyped
Even 2x 4-star out of 2x premium crystals requires more luck than this
But i'm confident there were many other's who did more than that
BTW someone already pulled a triple 6* Yondu from Abyss exploration opening. It's in the forums somewhere
after completing variant five i excitedly opened a dual crystal, got hawkeye. opened a six star, pulled hawkeye again.
Just congratulate him on his pulls and close the tab! We don't need negativity!
OP, those are some sick pulls right there! That 5* Cull Obsidian hits like a truck!